415 lines
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415 lines
12 KiB
* @brief activityReport, a plugin for Dotclear 2
* @package Dotclear
* @subpackage Plugin
* @author Jean-Christian Denis and contributors
* @copyright Jean-Christian Denis
* @copyright GPL-2.0 https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
if (!defined('DC_RC_PATH')) {
return null;
if (!defined('ACTIVITY_REPORT')) {
return null;
// ActivityReport plugin
$core->activityReport->addGroup('activityReport', __('ActivityReport messages'));
__('Special messages'),
['activityReportBehaviors', 'messageActivityReport']
// Blog
$core->activityReport->addGroup('blog', __('Actions on blog'));
// Not use as it is global : BEHAVIOR adminAfterBlogCreate in admin/blog.php
// from BEHAVIOR adminAfterBlogUpdate in admin/blog_pref.php
__('updating blog'),
__('Blog was updated by "%s"'),
['activityReportBehaviors', 'blogUpdate']
// from BEHAVIOR publicHeadContent in template
__('404 error'),
__('New 404 error page at "%s"'),
['activityReportBehaviors', 'blogP404']
// Post
$core->activityReport->addGroup('post', __('Actions on posts'));
// from BEHAVIOR coreAfterPostCreate in inc/core/class.dc.blog.php (DC 2.2)
// duplicate adminAfterPostCreate in admin/post.php
// duplicate adminAfterPostCreate in admin/services.php
__('post creation'),
__('A new post called "%s" was created by "%s" at %s'),
['activityReportBehaviors', 'postCreate']
// Plugin contribute
// from BEHAVIOR publicAfterPostCreate in plugins/contribute/_public.php
__('post creation'),
__('A new post called "%s" was created by "%s" at %s'),
['activityReportBehaviors', 'postCreate']
// from BEHAVIOR coreAfterPostUpdate in inc/core/class.dc.blog.php (DC2.2)
// duplicate adminAfterPostUpdate in admin/post.php
__('updating post'),
__('Post called "%s" has been updated by "%s" at %s'),
['activityReportBehaviors', 'postUpdate']
// from BEHAVIOR adminBeforePostDelete in admin/posts_actions.php
// from BEHAVIOR adminBeforePostDelete in admin/post.php
__('post deletion'),
__('Post called "%s" has been deleted by "%s"'),
['activityReportBehaviors', 'postDelete']
// Wrong attempt on passworded enrty
// from BEHAVIOR urlHandlerServeDocument in inc/public/lib.urlhandlers.php
__('Post protection'),
__('An attempt failed on a passworded post with password "%s" at "%s"'),
['activityReportBehaviors', 'postPasswordAttempt']
// Comment
$core->activityReport->addGroup('comment',__('Actions on comments'));
// from BEHAVIOR coreAfterCommentCreate in inc/core/class.dc.blog.php
// duplicate adminAfterCommentCreate in admin/comment.php
// duplicate publicAfterCommentCreate in inc/public/lib.urlhandlers.php
__('comment creation'),
__('A new comment was created by "%s" on post "%s" at %s'),
['activityReportBehaviors', 'commentCreate']
// from BEHAVIOR coreAfterCommentUpdate in inc/core/class.dc.blog.php
// duplicate adminAfterCommentUpdate in admin/comment.php
__('updating comment'),
__('Comment has been updated by "%s" at %s'),
['activityReportBehaviors', 'commentUpdate']
// Missing coreBeforeCommentDelete in inc/core/class.dc.blog.php
// Missing adminBeforeCommentDelete in admin/comment.php
// from BEHAVIOR coreAfterCommentCreate in inc/core/class.dc.blog.php
// duplicate publicAfterTrackbackCreate in inc/core/class.dc.trackback.php
__('trackback creation'),
__('A new trackback to "%" at "%s" was created on post "%s" at %s'),
['activityReportBehaviors', 'trackbackCreate']
// Category
$core->activityReport->addGroup('category', __('Actions on categories'));
// from BEHAVIOR adminAfterCategoryCreate in admin/category.php
__('category creation'),
__('A new category called "%s" was created by "%s" at %s'),
['activityReportBehaviors', 'categoryCreate']
// from BEHAVIOR adminAfterCategoryUpdate in admin/category.php
__('updating category'),
__('Category called "%s" has been updated by "%s" at %s'),
['activityReportBehaviors', 'categoryUpdate']
// Missing adminBeforeCategoryDelete in admin/category.php
// User
$core->activityReport->addGroup('user', __('Actions on users'));
// from BEHAVIOR adminAfterUserCreate in admin/user.php
__('user creation'),
__('A new user named "%s" was created by "%s"'),
['activityReportBehaviors', 'userCreate']
// from BEHAVIOR adminAfterUserUpdated in admin/user.php
__('updating user'),
__('User named "%s" has been updated by "%s"'),
['activityReportBehaviors', 'userUpdate']
// from BEHAVIOR adminBeforeUserDelete in admin/users.php
__('user deletion'),
__('User named "%s" has been deleted by "%"'),
['activityReportBehaviors', 'userDelete']
class activityReportBehaviors
public static function messageActivityReport($message)
global $core;
$logs = [$message];
$core->activityReport->addLog('activityReport', 'message', $logs);
public static function blogUpdate($cur, $blog_id)
global $core;
$logs = [$core->auth->getInfo('user_cn')];
$core->activityReport->addLog('blog', 'update' ,$logs);
public static function blogP404()
global $core;
if ($core->url->type != '404') {
return null;
$logs = [$core->blog->url . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']];
$core->activityReport->addLog('blog', 'p404', $logs);
public static function postCreate($cur, $post_id)
global $core;
$type = $cur->post_type ? $cur->post_type : 'post';
$post_url = $core->blog->getPostURL('', $cur->post_dt, $cur->post_title, $post_id);
$logs = [
$core->blog->url . $core->url->getBase($type) . '/' . $post_url
$core->activityReport->addLog('post', 'create', $logs);
public static function postUpdate($cur, $post_id)
global $core;
$type = $cur->post_type ? $cur->post_type : 'post';
$post_url = $core->blog->getPostURL('', $cur->post_dt, $cur->post_title, $post_id);
$logs = [
$core->blog->url . $core->url->getBase($type) . '/' . $post_url
$core->activityReport->addLog('post', 'update', $logs);
public static function postDelete($post_id)
global $core;
$posts = $core->blog->getPosts(['post_id' => $post_id, 'limit' => 1]);
$logs = [
$core->activityReport->addLog('post', 'delete', $logs);
public static function postPasswordAttempt($result)
global $core;
if ($result['tpl'] != 'password-form.html' || empty($_POST['password'])) {
return null;
$logs = [
$core->activityReport->addLog('post', 'protection', $logs);
public static function commentCreate($blog, $cur)
global $core;
if ($cur->comment_trackback) {
return null;
$posts = $core->blog->getPosts(['post_id' => $cur->post_id, 'limit' => 1]);
$logs = [
$core->blog->url . $core->url->getBase($posts->post_type) .
'/' . $posts->post_url . '#c' . $cur->comment_id
$core->activityReport->addLog('comment', 'create', $logs);
public static function commentUpdate($blog, $cur, $old)
global $core;
$posts = $core->blog->getPosts(['post_id' => $old->post_id, 'limit' => 1]);
$logs = [
$core->blog->url . $core->url->getBase($posts->post_type) .
'/' . $posts->post_url . '#c' . $old->comment_id
$core->activityReport->addLog('comment', 'update', $logs);
public static function trackbackCreate($cur, $comment_id)
global $core;
// From blog args are $blog, $cur #thks to bruno
$c = $cur instanceOf dcBlog ? $comment_id : $cur;
if (!$c->comment_trackback || !$c->comment_site) {
return null;
$posts = $core->blog->getPosts(
['post_id' => $c->post_id, 'no_content' => true, 'limit' => 1]);
if ($posts->isEmpty()) {
return null;
$logs = [
$core->blog->url . $core->url->getBase($posts->post_type) .
'/' . $posts->post_url
$core->activityReport->addLog('comment', 'trackback', $logs);
public static function categoryCreate($cur, $cat_id)
global $core;
$logs = [
$core->blog->url . $core->url->getBase('category') . '/' . $cur->cat_url
$core->activityReport->addLog('category', 'create', $logs);
public static function categoryUpdate($cur, $cat_id)
global $core;
$logs = [
$core->blog->url . $core->url->getBase('category') . '/' . $cur->cat_url
$core->activityReport->addLog('category', 'update', $logs);
public static function userCreate($cur, $user_id)
global $core;
$user_cn = dcUtils::getUserCN(
$logs = [
$core->activityReport->addLog('user', 'create', $logs);
public static function usertUpdate($cur, $user_id)
global $core;
$user_cn = dcUtils::getUserCN(
$logs = [
$core->activityReport->addLog('user', 'update', $logs);
public static function userDelete($user_id)
global $core;
$users = $core->getUser($id);
$user_cn = dcUtils::getUserCN(
$logs = [
$core->activityReport->addLog('user', 'delete', $logs);
} |