addBehavior( 'initWidgets', ['cinecturlink2Widget', 'adminLinks'] ); dcCore::app()->addBehavior( 'initWidgets', ['cinecturlink2Widget', 'adminCats'] ); class cinecturlink2Widget { public static function adminLinks($w) { $C2 = new cinecturlink2(); $categories_combo = ['' => '', __('Uncategorized') => 'null']; $categories = $C2->getCategories(); while ($categories->fetch()) { $cat_title = html::escapeHTML($categories->cat_title); $categories_combo[$cat_title] = $categories->cat_id; } $sortby_combo = [ __('Update date') => 'link_upddt', __('My rating') => 'link_note', __('Title') => 'link_title', __('Random') => 'RANDOM', __('Number of views') => 'COUNTER', ]; $order_combo = [ __('Ascending') => 'asc', __('Descending') => 'desc', ]; $w ->create( 'cinecturlink2links', __('My cinecturlink'), ['cinecturlink2Widget', 'publicLinks'], null, __('Show selection of cinecturlinks') ) ->addTitle( __('My cinecturlink'), ) ->setting( 'category', __('Category:'), '', 'combo', $categories_combo ) ->setting( 'sortby', __('Order by:'), 'link_upddt', 'combo', $sortby_combo ) ->setting( 'sort', __('Sort: (only for date, note and title)'), 'desc', 'combo', $order_combo ) ->setting( 'limit', __('Limit:'), 10, 'text' ) ->setting( 'withlink', __('Enable link'), 1, 'check' ) ->setting( 'showauthor', __('Show author'), 1, 'check' ) ->setting( 'shownote', __('Show my rating'), 0, 'check' ) ->setting( 'showdesc', __('Show description'), 0, 'check' ) ->setting( 'showpagelink', __('Show a link to cinecturlink page'), 0, 'check' ) ->addHomeOnly() ->addContentOnly() ->addClass() ->addOffline(); } public static function adminCats($w) { $w ->create( 'cinecturlink2cats', __('List of categories of cinecturlink'), ['cinecturlink2Widget', 'publicCats'], null, __('List of categories of cinecturlink') ) ->addTitle( __('My cinecturlink by categories') ) ->setting( 'title', __('Title:'), __('My cinecturlink by categories'), 'text' ) ->setting( 'shownumlink', __('Show number of links'), 0, 'check' ) ->addHomeOnly() ->addContentOnly() ->addClass() ->addOffline(); } public static function publicLinks($w) { dcCore::app()->blog->settings->addNamespace('cinecturlink2'); if (!dcCore::app()->blog->settings->cinecturlink2->cinecturlink2_active || !$w->checkHomeOnly(dcCore::app()->url->type) ) { return null; } $C2 = new cinecturlink2(); $aprams = []; if ($w->category) { if ($w->category == 'null') { $params['sql'] = ' AND L.cat_id IS NULL '; } elseif (is_numeric($w->category)) { $params['cat_id'] = (int) $w->category; } } $limit = abs((int) $w->limit); // Tirage aléatoire: Consomme beaucoup de ressources! if ($w->sortby == 'RANDOM') { $big_rs = $C2->getLinks($params); if ($big_rs->isEmpty()) { return null; } $ids = []; while ($big_rs->fetch()) { $ids[] = $big_rs->link_id; } shuffle($ids); $ids = array_slice($ids, 0, $limit); $params['link_id'] = []; foreach ($ids as $id) { $params['link_id'][] = $id; } } elseif ($w->sortby == 'COUNTER') { $params['order'] = 'link_count asc'; $params['limit'] = $limit; } else { $params['order'] = $w->sortby; $params['order'] .= $w->sort == 'asc' ? ' asc' : ' desc'; $params['limit'] = $limit; } $rs = $C2->getLinks($params); if ($rs->isEmpty()) { return null; } $widthmax = (int) dcCore::app()->blog->settings->cinecturlink2->cinecturlink2_widthmax; $style = $widthmax ? ' style="width:' . $widthmax . 'px;"' : ''; $entries = []; while ($rs->fetch()) { $url = $rs->link_url; $img = $rs->link_img; $title = html::escapeHTML($rs->link_title); $author = html::escapeHTML($rs->link_author); $cat = html::escapeHTML($rs->cat_title); $note = $w->shownote ? ' (' . $rs->link_note . '/20)' : ''; $desc = $w->showdesc ? '
' . html::escapeHTML($rs->link_desc) . '' : ''; $lang = $rs->link_lang ? ' hreflang="' . $rs->link_lang . '"' : ''; $count = abs((int) $rs->link_count); # --BEHAVIOR-- cinecturlink2WidgetLinks $bhv = dcCore::app()->callBehavior('cinecturlink2WidgetLinks', $rs->link_id); $entries[] = '

' . ($w->withlink && !empty($url) ? '' : '') . '' . $title . '' . $note . '
' . ($w->showauthor ? $author . '
' : '') . '
' . '' . $title . ' - ' . $author . '' . $desc . ($w->withlink && !empty($url) ? '
' : '') . '

' . $bhv; try { $cur = dcCore::app()->con->openCursor($C2->table); $cur->link_count = ($count + 1); $C2->updLink($rs->link_id, $cur, false); } catch (Exception $e) { } } # Tirage aléatoire if ($w->sortby == 'RANDOM' || $w->sortby == 'COUNTER' ) { shuffle($entries); if (dcCore::app()->blog->settings->cinecturlink2->cinecturlink2_triggeronrandom) { dcCore::app()->blog->triggerBlog(); } } return $w->renderDiv( $w->content_only, 'cinecturlink2list ' . $w->class, '', ($w->title ? $w->renderTitle(html::escapeHTML($w->title)) : '') . implode(' ', $entries) . ( $w->showpagelink && dcCore::app()->blog->settings->cinecturlink2->cinecturlink2_public_active ? '

' . __('More links') . '

' : '' ) ); } public static function publicCats($w) { dcCore::app()->blog->settings->addNamespace('cinecturlink2'); if (!dcCore::app()->blog->settings->cinecturlink2->cinecturlink2_active || !dcCore::app()->blog->settings->cinecturlink2->cinecturlink2_public_active || !$w->checkHomeOnly(dcCore::app()->url->type) ) { return null; } $C2 = new cinecturlink2(); $rs = $C2->getCategories([]); if ($rs->isEmpty()) { return null; } $res = []; $res[] = '
  • ' . __('all links') . '' . ($w->shownumlink ? ' (' . ($C2->getLinks([], true)->f(0)) . ')' : '') . '
  • '; while ($rs->fetch()) { $res[] = '
  • ' . html::escapeHTML($rs->cat_title) . '' . ($w->shownumlink ? ' (' . ($C2->getLinks(['cat_id' => $rs->cat_id], true)->f(0)) . ')' : '') . '
  • '; } return $w->renderDiv( $w->content_only, 'cinecturlink2cat ' . $w->class, '', ($w->title ? $w->renderTitle(html::escapeHTML($w->title)) : '') . '' ); } }