398 lines
12 KiB
398 lines
12 KiB
* @brief dcAdvancedCleaner, a plugin for Dotclear 2
* @package Dotclear
* @subpackage Plugin
* @author Jean-Christian Denis and Contributors
* @copyright Jean-Christian Denis
* @copyright GPL-2.0 https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
if (!defined('DC_ADMIN_CONTEXT')) {
return null;
class dcAdvancedCleaner
protected static $errors = [
'settings' => [
'delete_global' => 'Failed to delete global settings',
'delete_local' => 'Failed to delete local settings',
'delete_all' => 'Failed to delete all settings'
'tables' => [
'empty' => 'Failed to empty table',
'delete' => 'Failed to delete table'
'plugins' => [
'empty' => 'Failed to empty plugin folder',
'delete' => 'Failed to delete plugin folder'
'themes' => [
'empty' => 'Failed to empty themes folder',
'delete' => 'Failed to delete themes folder'
'caches' => [
'empty' => 'Failed to empty cache folder',
'delete' => 'Failed to delete cache folder'
'versions' => [
'delete' => 'Failed to delete version'
public static $dotclear = [
'settings' => [
'akismet', 'antispam', 'breadcrumb', 'dcckeditor', 'dclegacyeditor', 'maintenance',
'pages', 'pings', 'system', 'themes', 'widgets'
'tables' => [
'blog', 'category', 'comment', 'link', 'log', 'media',
'meta', 'permissions', 'ping', 'post','post_media', 'pref', 'session',
'setting', 'spamrule', 'user', 'version'
'plugins' => [
'aboutConfig', 'akismet', 'antispam', 'attachments', 'blogroll', 'blowupConfig',
'breadcrumb', 'dcCKEditor', 'dclegacy', 'dcLegacyEditor', 'fairTrackbacks', 'importExport', 'maintenance',
'pages', 'pings', 'simpleMenu', 'tags', 'themeEditor', 'userPref', 'widgets'
'themes' => [
'default', 'customCSS', 'blueSilence', 'berlin', 'ductile'
'caches' => [
'cbfeed', 'dcrepo', 'versions'
'versions' => [
'antispam', 'blogroll', 'blowupConfig', 'core', 'dcCKEditor', 'dcLegacyEditor', 'pages', 'pings', 'simpleMenu', 'tags', 'widgets'
public static $exclude = [
'.', '..', '__MACOSX', '.svn', 'CVS', '.DS_Store', 'Thumbs.db'
public static function getSettings($core)
$res = $core->con->select(
'SELECT setting_ns ' .
'FROM ' . $core->prefix . 'setting ' .
'WHERE blog_id IS NULL ' .
"OR blog_id IS NOT NULL " .
'GROUP BY setting_ns'
$rs = [];
$i = 0;
while($res->fetch()) {
$rs[$i]['key'] = $res->setting_ns;
$rs[$i]['value'] = $core->con->select(
'SELECT count(*) FROM ' . $core->prefix .'setting ' .
"WHERE setting_ns = '" . $res->setting_ns ."' " .
"AND (blog_id IS NULL OR blog_id IS NOT NULL) " .
"GROUP BY setting_ns "
return $rs;
protected static function deleteGlobalSettings($core, $entry)
'DELETE FROM ' .$core->prefix . 'setting ' .
'WHERE blog_id IS NULL ' .
"AND setting_ns = '" . $core->con->escape($entry) . "' "
protected static function deleteLocalSettings($core, $entry)
'DELETE FROM ' . $core->prefix . 'setting ' .
"WHERE blog_id = '" . $core->con->escape($core->blog->id) . "' " .
"AND setting_ns = '" . $core->con->escape($entry) . "' "
protected static function deleteAllSettings($core, $entry)
'DELETE FROM ' .$core->prefix . 'setting ' .
"WHERE setting_ns = '" . $core->con->escape($entry) . "' " .
"AND (blog_id IS NULL OR blog_id != '') "
public static function getTables($core)
$object = dbSchema::init($core->con);
$res = $object->getTables();
$rs = [];
$i = 0;
foreach($res as $k => $v) {
if ('' != $core->prefix) {
if (!preg_match('/^' . preg_quote($core->prefix) . '(.*?)$/', $v, $m)) {
$v = $m[1];
$rs[$i]['key'] = $v;
$rs[$i]['value'] = $core->con->select('SELECT count(*) FROM ' . $res[$k])->f(0);
return $rs;
protected static function emptyTable($core, $entry)
'DELETE FROM ' . $core->con->escapeSystem($core->prefix . $entry)
protected static function deleteTable($core, $entry)
'DROP TABLE ' . $core->con->escapeSystem($core->prefix . $entry)
public static function getVersions($core)
$res = $core->con->select('SELECT * FROM ' . $core->prefix . 'version');
$rs = [];
$i = 0;
while ($res->fetch()) {
$rs[$i]['key'] = $res->module;
$rs[$i]['value'] = $res->version;
return $rs;
protected static function deleteVersion($core, $entry)
'DELETE FROM '. $core->prefix . 'version ' .
"WHERE module = '" . $core->con->escape($entry) . "' "
public static function getPlugins($core)
return self::getDirs($res);
protected static function emptyPlugin($core, $entry)
self::delDir($res, $entry, false);
protected static function deletePlugin($core, $entry)
self::delDir($res, $entry, true);
public static function getThemes($core)
return self::getDirs($core->blog->themes_path);
protected static function emptyTheme($core, $entry)
self::delDir($core->blog->themes_path, $entry, false);
protected static function deleteTheme($core, $entry)
self::delDir($core->blog->themes_path, $entry, true);
public static function getCaches($core)
return self::getDirs(DC_TPL_CACHE);
protected static function emptyCache($core, $entry)
self::delDir(DC_TPL_CACHE, $entry, false);
protected static function deleteCache($core, $entry)
self::delDir(DC_TPL_CACHE, $entry, true);
public static function execute($core, $type, $action, $ns)
if (strtolower($ns) == 'dcadvancedcleaner') {
throw new exception("dcAdvancedCleaner can't remove itself");
# BEHAVIOR dcAdvancedCleanerBeforeAction
$core->callBehavior('dcAdvancedCleanerBeforeAction', $type, $action, $ns);
try {
# Delete global settings
if ($type == 'settings' && $action == 'delete_global') {
self::deleteGlobalSettings($core, $ns);
# Delete local settings
if ($type == 'settings' && $action == 'delete_local') {
self::deleteLocalSettings($core, $ns);
# Delete all settings
if ($type == 'settings' && $action == 'delete_all') {
self::deleteAllSettings($core, $ns);
# Empty tables
if ($type == 'tables' && $action == 'empty') {
self::emptyTable($core, $ns);
# Delete tables
if ($type == 'tables' && $action == 'delete') {
self::deleteTable($core, $ns);
# Delete versions
if ($type == 'versions' && $action == 'delete') {
self::deleteVersion($core, $ns);
# Empty plugins
if ($type == 'plugins' && $action == 'empty') {
self::emptyPlugin($core, $ns);
# Delete plugins
if ($type == 'plugins' && $action == 'delete') {
self::deletePlugin($core, $ns);
# Empty themes
if ($type == 'themes' && $action == 'empty') {
self::emptyTheme($core, $ns);
# Delete themes
if ($type == 'themes' && $action == 'delete') {
self::deleteTheme($core, $ns);
# Empty caches
if ($type == 'caches' && $action == 'empty') {
self::emptyCache($core, $ns);
# Delete caches
if ($type == 'caches' && $action == 'delete') {
self::deleteCache($core, $ns);
return true;
} catch(Exception $e) {
$errors = self::$errors;
if (isset($errors[$type][$action])) {
throw new Exception(__($errors[$type][$action]));
else {
throw new Exception(sprintf(__('Cannot execute "%s" of type "%s"'), $action, $type));
return false;
protected static function getDirs($roots)
if (!is_array($roots)) {
$roots = [$roots];
$rs = [];
$i = 0;
foreach ($roots as $root) {
$dirs = files::scanDir($root);
foreach($dirs as $k) {
if ('.' == $k || '..' == $k || !is_dir($root .'/' . $k)) {
$rs[$i]['key'] = $k;
$rs[$i]['value'] = count(self::scanDir($root . '/' . $k));
return $rs;
protected static function delDir($roots, $folder, $delfolder = true)
if (strpos($folder,'/')) {
return false;
if (!is_array($roots)) {
$roots = [$roots];
foreach ($roots as $root) {
if (file_exists($root . '/' . $folder))
return self::delTree($root . '/' . $folder, $delfolder);
return false;
protected static function scanDir($path, $dir = '', $res = [])
$exclude = self::$exclude;
$path = path::real($path);
if (!is_dir($path) || !is_readable($path)) {
return [];
$files = files::scandir($path);
foreach($files AS $file) {
if (in_array($file,$exclude)) {
if (is_dir($path . '/' . $file)) {
$res[] = $file;
$res = self::scanDir($path . '/' . $file, $dir . '/' . $file, $res);
} else {
$res[] = empty($dir) ? $file : $dir . '/' . $file;
return $res;
protected static function delTree($dir, $delroot = true)
if (!is_dir($dir) || !is_readable($dir)) {
return false;
if (substr($dir,-1) != '/') {
$dir .= '/';
if (($d = @dir($dir)) === false) {
return false;
while (($entryname = $d->read()) !== false) {
if ($entryname != '.' && $entryname != '..') {
if (is_dir($dir . '/' . $entryname)) {
if (!self::delTree($dir . '/' . $entryname)) {return false;
} else {
if (!@unlink($dir . '/' . $entryname)) {
return false;
if ($delroot) {
return @rmdir($dir);
} else {
return true;
} |