'0', __('My entries') => 'mine', __('All entries') => 'all' ); echo '
'.__('Email notification').'
'. '

'. '
'; } public static function adminBeforeUserUpdate($cur,$user_id='') { $cur->user_options['notify_comments'] = $_POST['notify_comments']; } public static function publicAfterCommentCreate($cur,$comment_id) { # We don't want notification for spam if ($cur->comment_status == -2) { return; } global $core; # Information on comment author and post author $rs = $core->auth->sudo(array($core->blog,'getComments'), array('comment_id'=>$comment_id)); if ($rs->isEmpty()) { return; } # Information on blog users $strReq = 'SELECT U.user_id, user_email, user_options '. 'FROM '.$core->blog->prefix.'user U JOIN '.$core->blog->prefix.'permissions P ON U.user_id = P.user_id '. "WHERE blog_id = '".$core->con->escape($core->blog->id)."' ". 'UNION '. 'SELECT user_id, user_email, user_options '. 'FROM '.$core->blog->prefix.'user '. 'WHERE user_super = 1 '; $users = $core->con->select($strReq); # Create notify list $ulist = array(); while ($users->fetch()) { if (!$users->user_email) { continue; } $notification_pref = self::notificationPref(rsExtUser::options($users)); if ($notification_pref == 'all' || ($notification_pref == 'mine' && $users->user_id == $rs->user_id) ) { $ulist[$users->user_id] = $users->user_email; } } if (count($ulist) > 0) { # Author of the post wants to be notified by mail $headers = array( 'Reply-To: '.$rs->comment_email, 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8;', 'X-Mailer: Dotclear', 'X-Blog-Id: '.mail::B64Header($core->blog->id), 'X-Blog-Name: '.mail::B64Header($core->blog->name), 'X-Blog-Url: '.mail::B64Header($core->blog->url) ); $subject = '['.$core->blog->name.'] '.sprintf(__('"%s" - New comment'),$rs->post_title); $subject = mail::B64Header($subject); $msg = preg_replace('%


%msu',"\n\n",$rs->comment_content); $msg = html::clean($msg); $msg = html_entity_decode($msg); if ($cur->comment_status == 1) { $status = __('published'); } elseif ($cur->comment_status == 0) { $status = __('unpublished'); } elseif ($cur->comment_status == -1) { $status = __('pending'); } else { # unknown status $status = $cur->comment_status; } $msg .= "\n\n-- \n". sprintf(__('Blog: %s'),$core->blog->name)."\n". sprintf(__('Entry: %s <%s>'),$rs->post_title,$rs->getPostURL())."\n". sprintf(__('Comment by: %s <%s>'),$rs->comment_author,$rs->comment_email)."\n". sprintf(__('Website: %s'),$rs->getAuthorURL())."\n". sprintf(__('Comment status: %s'),$status)."\n". sprintf(__('Edit this comment: <%s>'),DC_ADMIN_URL. ((substr(DC_ADMIN_URL,-1) != '/') ? '/' : ''). 'comment.php?id='.$cur->comment_id. '&switchblog='.$core->blog->id)."\n". __('You must log in on the backend before clicking on this link to go directly to the comment.'); $msg = __('You received a new comment on your blog:')."\n\n".$msg; # --BEHAVIOR-- emailNotificationAppendToEmail $msg .= $core->callBehavior('emailNotificationAppendToEmail',$cur); foreach ($ulist as $email) { $h = array_merge(array('From: '.$email),$headers); mail::sendMail($email,$subject,$msg,$h); } } } protected static function notificationPref($o) { if (is_array($o) && isset($o['notify_comments'])) { return $o['notify_comments']; } return null; } }