'EntryExcerpt', 'entry content' => 'EntryContent', 'comment content' => 'CommentContent', ]; } public static function blogAllowedTplValues() { global $core; $core->blog->settings->addNamespace('enhancePostContent'); $allowedtplvalues = self::defaultAllowedTplValues(); $rs = @unserialize($core->blog->settings->enhancePostContent->enhancePostContent_allowedtplvalues); return is_array($rs) ? $rs : $allowedtplvalues; } public static function defaultAllowedWidgetValues() { global $core; $rs = [ 'entry excerpt' => [ 'id' => 'entryexcerpt', 'callback' => ['libEPC','widgetContentEntryExcerpt'] ], 'entry content' => [ 'id' => 'entrycontent', 'callback' => ['libEPC','widgetContentEntryContent'] ], 'comment content' => [ 'id' => 'commentcontent', 'callback' => ['libEPC','widgetContentCommentContent'] ] ]; $core->callBehavior('enhancePostContentAllowedWidgetValues', $rs); return $rs; } public static function defaultAllowedPubPages() { return [ 'home page' => 'home.html', 'post page' => 'post.html', 'category page' => 'category.html', 'search results page' => 'search.html', 'atom feeds' => 'atom.xml', 'RSS feeds' => 'rss2.xml' ]; } public static function blogAllowedPubPages() { global $core; $core->blog->settings->addNamespace('enhancePostContent'); $allowedpubpages = self::defaultAllowedPubPages(); $rs = @unserialize($core->blog->settings->enhancePostContent->enhancePostContent_allowedpubpages); return is_array($rs) ? $rs : $allowedpubpages; } public static function defaultFilters() { global $core; $filters = [ 'Tag' => [ 'id' => 'tag', 'publicContentFilter' => ['libEPC', 'publicContentFilterTag'], 'widgetListFilter' => ['libEPC', 'widgetListTag'], 'help' => __('Highlight tags of your blog.'), 'has_list' => false, 'htmltag' => 'a', 'class' => ['a.epc-tag'], 'replace' => '%s', 'widget' => '%s', 'nocase' => false, 'plural' => false, 'limit' => 0, 'style' => ['text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 3px double #CCCCCC;'], 'notag' => 'a,h1,h2,h3', 'tplValues' => ['EntryContent'], 'pubPages' => ['post.html'] ], 'Search' => [ 'id' => 'search', 'publicContentFilter' => ['libEPC', 'publicContentFilterSearch'], 'help' => __('Highlight searched words.'), 'has_list' => false, 'htmltag' => '', 'class' => ['span.epc-search'], 'replace' => '%s', 'nocase' => true, 'plural' => true, 'limit' => 0, 'style' => ['color: #FFCC66;'], 'notag' => 'h1,h2,h3', 'tplValues' => ['EntryContent'], 'pubPages' => ['search.html'] ], 'Acronym' => [ 'id' => 'acronym', 'publicContentFilter' => ['libEPC', 'publicContentFilterAcronym'], 'widgetListFilter' => ['libEPC', 'widgetListAcronym'], 'help' => __('Explain some acronyms. First term of the list is the acornym and second term the explanation.'), 'has_list' => true, 'htmltag' => 'acronym', 'class' => ['acronym.epc-acronym'], 'replace' => '%s', 'widget' => '%s', 'nocase' => false, 'plural' => false, 'limit' => 0, 'style' => ['font-weight: bold;'], 'notag' => 'a,acronym,abbr,dfn,h1,h2,h3', 'tplValues' => ['EntryContent'], 'pubPages' => ['post.html'], ], 'Abbreviation' => [ 'id' => 'abbreviation', 'publicContentFilter' => ['libEPC', 'publicContentFilterAbbreviation'], 'widgetListFilter' => ['libEPC', 'widgetListAbbreviation'], 'help' => __('Explain some abbreviation. First term of the list is the abbreviation and second term the explanation.'), 'has_list' => true, 'htmltag' => 'a', 'class' => ['abbr.epc-abbr'], 'replace' => '%s', 'widget' => '%s', 'nocase' => false, 'plural' => false, 'limit' => 0, 'style' => ['font-weight: bold;'], 'notag' => 'a,acronym,abbr,dfn,h1,h2,h3', 'tplValues' => ['EntryContent'], 'pubPages' => ['post.html'], ], 'Definition' => [ 'id' => 'definition', 'publicContentFilter' => ['libEPC', 'publicContentFilterDefinition'], 'widgetListFilter' => ['libEPC', 'widgetListDefinition'], 'help' => __('Explain some definition. First term of the list is the sample to define and second term the explanation.'), 'has_list' => true, 'htmltag' => 'dfn', 'class' => ['dfn.epc-dfn'], 'replace' => '%s', 'widget' => '%s', 'nocase' => false, 'plural' => false, 'limit' => 0, 'style' => ['font-weight: bold;'], 'notag' => 'a,acronym,abbr,dfn,h1,h2,h3', 'tplValues' => ['EntryContent'], 'pubPages' => ['post.html'], ], 'Citation' => [ 'id' => 'citation', 'publicContentFilter' => ['libEPC', 'publicContentFilterCitation'], 'widgetListFilter' => ['libEPC', 'widgetListCitation'], 'help' => __('Highlight citation of people. First term of the list is the citation and second term the author.'), 'has_list' => true, 'htmltag' => 'cite', 'class' => ['cite.epc-cite'], 'replace' => '%s', 'widget' => '%s', 'nocase' => true, 'plural' => false, 'limit' => 0, 'style' => ['font-style: italic;'], 'notag' => 'a,h1,h2,h3', 'tplValues' => ['EntryContent'], 'pubPages' => ['post.html'], ], 'Link' => [ 'id' => 'link', 'publicContentFilter' => ['libEPC', 'publicContentFilterLink'], 'widgetListFilter' => ['libEPC', 'widgetListLink'], 'help' => __('Link some words. First term of the list is the term to link and second term the link.'), 'has_list' => true, 'htmltag' => 'a', 'class' => ['a.epc-link'], 'replace' => '%s', 'widget' => '%s', 'nocase' => false, 'plural' => false, 'limit' => 0, 'style' => ['text-decoration: none; font-style: italic; color: #0000FF;'], 'notag' => 'a,h1,h2,h3', 'tplValues' => ['EntryContent'], 'pubPages' => ['post.html'], ], 'Replace' => [ 'id' => 'replace', 'publicContentFilter' => ['libEPC', 'publicContentFilterReplace'], 'help' => __('Replace some text. First term of the list is the text to replace and second term the replacement.'), 'has_list' => true, 'htmltag' => '', 'class' => ['span.epc-replace'], 'replace' => '%s', 'nocase' => true, 'plural' => true, 'limit' => 0, 'style' => ['font-style: italic;'], 'notag' => 'h1,h2,h3', 'tplValues' => ['EntryContent'], 'pubPages' => ['post.html'], ], 'Update' => [ 'id' => 'update', 'publicContentFilter' => ['libEPC', 'publicContentFilterUpdate'], 'help' => __('Update and show terms. First term of the list is the term to update and second term the new term.'), 'has_list' => true, 'htmltag' => 'del,ins', 'class' => ['del.epc-update', 'ins.epc-update'], 'replace' => '%s %s', 'nocase' => true, 'plural' => true, 'limit' => 0, 'style' => ['text-decoration: line-through;', 'font-style: italic;'], 'notag' => 'h1,h2,h3', 'tplValues' => ['EntryContent'], 'pubPages' => ['post.html'], ], 'Twitter' => [ 'id' => 'twitter', 'publicContentFilter' => ['libEPC', 'publicContentFilterTwitter'], 'help' => __('Add link to twitter user page. Every word started with "@" will be considered as twitter user.'), 'has_list' => false, 'htmltag' => 'a', 'class' => ['a.epc-twitter'], 'replace' => '%s', 'nocase' => false, 'plural' => false, 'limit' => 0, 'style' => ['text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; color: #0000FF;'], 'notag' => 'a,h1,h2,h3', 'tplValues' => ['EntryContent'], 'pubPages' => ['post.html'] ] ]; $core->callBehavior('enhancePostContentDefaultFilters', $filters); return $filters; } public static function blogFilters($one = null) { global $core; $core->blog->settings->addNamespace('enhancePostContent'); $filters = self::defaultFilters(); foreach($filters as $name => $filter) { # Parse filters options $ns = 'enhancePostContent_' . $name; $opt[$name] = @unserialize($core->blog->settings->enhancePostContent->$ns); if (!is_array($opt[$name])) { $opt[$name] = []; } if (isset($opt[$name]['nocase'])) { $filters[$name]['nocase'] = (boolean) $opt[$name]['nocase']; } if (isset($opt[$name]['plural'])) { $filters[$name]['plural'] = (boolean) $opt[$name]['plural']; } if (isset($opt[$name]['limit'])) { $filters[$name]['limit'] = abs((integer) $opt[$name]['limit']); } if (isset($opt[$name]['style']) && is_array($opt[$name]['style'])) { $filters[$name]['style'] = (array) $opt[$name]['style']; } if (isset($opt[$name]['notag'])) { $filters[$name]['notag'] = (string) $opt[$name]['notag']; } if (isset($opt[$name]['tplValues'])) { $filters[$name]['tplValues'] = (array) $opt[$name]['tplValues']; } if (isset($opt[$name]['pubPages'])) { $filters[$name]['pubPages'] = (array) $opt[$name]['pubPages']; } } $core->callBehavior('enhancePostContentBlogFilters', $filters); return $filters; } public static function testContext($tag, $args, $opt) { return isset($opt['pubPages']) && is_array($opt['pubPages']) && in_array($GLOBALS['_ctx']->current_tpl,$opt['pubPages']) && isset($opt['tplValues']) && is_array($opt['tplValues']) && in_array($tag, $opt['tplValues']) && $args[0] != '' //content && empty($args[2]) // remove html ; } public static function replaceString($p, $r, $s, $filter, $before = '\b', $after = '\b') { # Limit if ($filter['limit'] > 0) { $l = isset($GLOBALS['epcFilterLimit'][$filter['id']][$p]) ? $GLOBALS['epcFilterLimit'][$filter['id']][$p] : $filter['limit']; if ($l < 1) { return $s; } } else { $l = -1; } # Case sensitive $i = $filter['nocase'] ? 'i' : ''; # Plural $x = $filter['plural'] ? $p . 's|' . $p : $p; # Mark words $s = preg_replace('#(' . $before . ')(' . $x . ')(' . $after . ')#su' . $i, '$1ççççç$2ççççç$3', $s, -1, $count); # Nothing to parse if (!$count) { return $s; } # Remove words that are into unwanted html tags $tags = ''; $ignore_tags = array_merge(self::decodeTags($filter['htmltag']), self::decodeTags($filter['notag'])); if (is_array($ignore_tags) && !empty($ignore_tags)) { $tags = implode('|', $ignore_tags); } if (!empty($tags)) { $s = preg_replace_callback('#(<(' . $tags . ')[^>]*?>)(.*?)()#s', ['libEPC', 'removeTags'], $s); } # Remove words inside html tag (class, title, alt, href, ...) $s = preg_replace('#(ççççç(' . $p . '(s|))ççççç)(?=[^<]+>)#s' . $i, '$2$4', $s); # Replace words by what you want (with limit) $s = preg_replace('#ççççç(' . $p . '(s|))ççççç#s' . $i, $r, $s, $l, $count); # update limit $GLOBALS['epcFilterLimit'][$filter['id']][$p] = $l - $count; # Clean rest return $s = preg_replace('#ççççç(.*?)ççççç#s', '$1', $s); } public static function matchString($p, $r, $s, $filter, $before = '\b', $after = '\b') { # Case sensitive $i = $filter['nocase'] ? 'i' : ''; # Plural $x = $filter['plural'] ? $p . 's|' . $p : $p; # Mark words $t = preg_match_all('#' . $before . '(' . $x . ')' . $after . '#s' . $i, $s, $matches); # Nothing to parse if (!$t) { return ['total' => 0, 'matches' => []]; } # Build array $m = []; $loop = 0; foreach($matches[1] as $match) { $m[$loop]['key'] = $match; $m[$loop]['match'] = preg_replace('#(' . $p . '(s|))#s' . $i, $r, $match, -1, $count); $m[$loop]['num'] = $count; $loop++; } return ['total' => $t, 'matches' => $m]; } public static function quote($s) { return preg_quote($s, '#'); } public static function removeTags($m) { return $m[1] . preg_replace('#ççççç(?!ççççç)#s', '$1', $m[3]) . $m[4]; } public static function decodeTags($t) { return preg_match_all('#([A-Za-z0-9]+)#', (string) $t, $m) ? $m[1] : []; } public static function implode($a) { if (is_string($a)) { return $a; } if (!is_array($a)) { return []; } $r = ''; foreach($a as $k => $v) { $r .= $k . ':' . $v . ';'; } return $r; } public static function explode($s) { if (is_array($s)) { return $s; } if (!is_string($s)) { return ''; } $r = []; $s = explode(';', (string) $s); if (!is_array($s)) { return []; } foreach($s as $cpl) { $cur = explode(':', $cpl); if (!is_array($cur) || !isset($cur[1])) { continue; } $key = html::escapeHTML(trim($cur[0])); $val = html::escapeHTML(trim($cur[1])); if (empty($key) || empty($val)) { continue; } $r[$key] = $val; } return $r; } # # Widgets # public static function widgetContentEntryExcerpt($core, $w) { global $_ctx; if (!$_ctx->exists('posts')) { return; } $res = ''; while ($_ctx->posts->fetch()) { $res .= $_ctx->posts->post_excerpt; } return $res; } public static function widgetContentEntryContent() { global $_ctx; if (!$_ctx->exists('posts')) { return; } $res = ''; while ($_ctx->posts->fetch()) { $res .= $_ctx->posts->post_content; } return $res; } public static function widgetContentCommentContent() { global $core, $_ctx; if (!$_ctx->exists('posts')) { return; } $res = ''; $post_ids = []; while ($_ctx->posts->fetch()) { $comments = $core->blog->getComments(['post_id' => $_ctx->posts->post_id]); while ($comments->fetch()) { $res .= $comments->getContent(); } } return $res; } # # Filters # public static function publicContentFilterTag($core, $filter, $tag, $args) { if (!$core->plugins->moduleExists('tags')) { return; } $metas = $core->meta->getMetadata(['meta_type' => 'tag']); while($metas->fetch()) { $k = $metas->meta_id; $args[0] = self::replaceString( $k, sprintf($filter['replace'], $core->blog->url . $core->url->getBase('tag') . '/' . $k, '\\1'), $args[0], $filter ); } return; } public static function widgetListTag($core, $filter, $content, $w, &$list) { if (!$core->plugins->moduleExists('tags')) { return; } $metas = $core->meta->getMetadata(['meta_type' => 'tag']); while($metas->fetch()) { $k = $metas->meta_id; $list[] = self::matchString( $k, sprintf($filter['widget'], $core->blog->url . $core->url->getBase('tag') . '/' . $k, '\\1'), $content, $filter ); } return; } public static function publicContentFilterSearch($core, $filter, $tag, $args) { if (!isset($GLOBALS['_search'])) { return; } $searchs = explode(' ', $GLOBALS['_search']); foreach($searchs as $k => $v) { $args[0] = self::replaceString( $v, sprintf($filter['replace'], '\\1'), $args[0], $filter ); } return; } public static function publicContentFilterAcronym($core, $filter, $tag, $args) { while($filter['list']->fetch()) { $k = $filter['list']->epc_key; $v = $filter['list']->epc_value; $args[0] = self::replaceString( $k, sprintf($filter['replace'], __($v), '\\1'), $args[0], $filter ); } return; } public static function widgetListAcronym($core, $filter, $content, $w, &$list) { while($filter['list']->fetch()) { $k = $filter['list']->epc_key; $v = $filter['list']->epc_value; $list[] = self::matchString( $k, sprintf($filter['widget'], __($v), '\\1'), $content, $filter ); } return; } public static function publicContentFilterAbbreviation($core, $filter, $tag, $args) { while($filter['list']->fetch()) { $k = $filter['list']->epc_key; $v = $filter['list']->epc_value; $args[0] = self::replaceString( $k, sprintf($filter['replace'], __($v), '\\1'), $args[0], $filter ); } return; } public static function widgetListAbbreviation($core, $filter, $content, $w, &$list) { while($filter['list']->fetch()) { $k = $filter['list']->epc_key; $v = $filter['list']->epc_value; $list[] = self::matchString( $k, sprintf($filter['widget'], __($v), '\\1'), $content, $filter ); } return; } public static function publicContentFilterDefinition($core, $filter, $tag, $args) { while($filter['list']->fetch()) { $k = $filter['list']->epc_key; $v = $filter['list']->epc_value; $args[0] = self::replaceString( $k, sprintf($filter['replace'], __($v), '\\1'), $args[0], $filter ); } return; } public static function widgetListDefinition($core, $filter, $content, $w, &$list) { while($filter['list']->fetch()) { $k = $filter['list']->epc_key; $v = $filter['list']->epc_value; $list[] = self::matchString( $k, sprintf($filter['widget'], __($v), '\\1'), $content, $filter ); } return; } public static function publicContentFilterCitation($core, $filter, $tag, $args) { while($filter['list']->fetch()) { $k = $filter['list']->epc_key; $v = $filter['list']->epc_value; $args[0] = self::replaceString( $k, sprintf($filter['replace'], __($v), '\\1'), $args[0], $filter ); } return; } public static function widgetListCitation($core, $filter, $content, $w, &$list) { while($filter['list']->fetch()) { $k = $filter['list']->epc_key; $v = $filter['list']->epc_value; $list[] = self::matchString( $k, sprintf($filter['widget'], __($v), '\\1'), $content, $filter ); } return; } public static function publicContentFilterLink($core, $filter, $tag, $args) { while($filter['list']->fetch()) { $k = $filter['list']->epc_key; $v = $filter['list']->epc_value; $args[0] = self::replaceString( $k, sprintf($filter['replace'], '\\1', $v, '\\1'), $args[0], $filter ); } return; } public static function widgetListLink($core, $filter, $content, $w, &$list) { while($filter['list']->fetch()) { $k = $filter['list']->epc_key; $v = $filter['list']->epc_value; $list[] = self::matchString( $k, sprintf($filter['widget'], $v, $v, '\\1'), $content, $filter ); } return; } public static function publicContentFilterReplace($core, $filter, $tag, $args) { while($filter['list']->fetch()) { $k = $filter['list']->epc_key; $v = $filter['list']->epc_value; $args[0] = self::replaceString( $k, sprintf($filter['replace'], $v, '\\2'), $args[0], $filter ); } return; } public static function publicContentFilterUpdate($core, $filter, $tag, $args) { while($filter['list']->fetch()) { $k = $filter['list']->epc_key; $v = $filter['list']->epc_value; $args[0] = self::replaceString( $k, sprintf($filter['replace'], '\\1', $v), $args[0], $filter ); } return; } public static function publicContentFilterTwitter($core, $filter, $tag, $args) { $args[0] = self::replaceString( '[A-Za-z0-9_]{2,}', sprintf($filter['replace'], 'http://twitter.com/\\1', '\\1'), $args[0], $filter, '[^@]@', '\b' ); return; } }