addBehavior( 'initWidgets', array('enhancePostContentWidget', 'adminContentList') ); /** * @ingroup DC_PLUGIN_ENHANCEPOSTCONTENT * @brief Filter posts content - widgets methods. * @since 2.6 */ class enhancePostContentWidget { /** * Admin part for widget that show extracted content * * @param dcWidgets $w dcWidgets instance */ public static function adminContentList($w) { global $core; $w->create( 'epclist', __('Enhance post content'), array('enhancePostContentWidget', 'publicContentList'), null, __('List filtered contents.') ); # Title $w->epclist->setting( 'title', __('Title:'), __('In this article'), 'text' ); # Text $w->epclist->setting( 'text', __('Description:'), '', 'text' ); # Type $filters = libEPC::blogFilters(); $types = array(); foreach($filters as $name => $filter) { if (!isset($filter['widgetListFilter']) || !is_callable($filter['widgetListFilter']) ) { continue; } $types[__($name)] = $name; } $w->epclist->setting( 'type', __('Type:'), 'Definition', 'combo', $types ); # Content $contents = libEPC::defaultAllowedWidgetValues(); foreach($contents as $k => $v) { $w->epclist->setting( 'content'.$v['id'], sprintf(__('Enable filter on %s'), __($k)), 1, 'check' ); } # Case sensitive $w->epclist->setting( 'nocase', __('Search case insensitive'), 0, 'check' ); # Plural $w->epclist->setting( 'plural', __('Search also plural'), 0, 'check' ); # Show count $w->epclist->setting( 'show_total', __('Show the number of appearance'), 1, 'check' ); # widget option - content only $w->epclist->setting( 'content_only', __('Content only'), 0, 'check' ); # widget option - additionnal CSS $w->epclist->setting( 'class', __('CSS class:'), '' ); } /** * Public part for widget that show extracted content * * @param dcWidget $w dcWidget instance */ public static function publicContentList($w) { global $core, $_ctx; $core->blog->settings->addNamespace('enhancePostContent'); # Page if (!$core->blog->settings->enhancePostContent->enhancePostContent_active || !in_array($_ctx->current_tpl,array('post.html','page.html')) ) { return null; } # Content $content = ''; $allowedwidgetvalues = libEPC::defaultAllowedWidgetValues(); foreach($allowedwidgetvalues as $k => $v) { $ns = 'content'.$v['id']; if ($w->$ns && is_callable($v['callback'])) { $content .= call_user_func_array( $v['callback'], array($core,$w) ); } } if (empty($content)) { return null; } # Filter $list = array(); $filters = libEPC::blogFilters(); if (isset($filters[$w->type]) && isset($filters[$w->type]['widgetListFilter']) && is_callable($filters[$w->type]['widgetListFilter']) ) { $filters[$w->type]['nocase'] = $w->nocase; $filters[$w->type]['plural'] = $w->plural; if ($filters[$w->type]['has_list']) { $records = new epcRecords($core); $filters[$w->type]['list'] = $records->getRecords( array('epc_filter' => $w->type) ); } call_user_func_array( $filters[$w->type]['widgetListFilter'], array($core, $filters[$w->type], $content, $w, &$list) ); } if (empty($list)) { return null; } # Parse result $res = ''; foreach($list as $line) { if (empty($line['matches'][0]['match'])) { continue; } $res .= '
  • '.$line['matches'][0]['match']. ($w->show_total ? ' ('.$line['total'].')' : ''). '
  • '; } if (empty($res)) { return null; } return ($w->content_only ? '' : '
    '). ($w->title ? '


    ' : ''). ($w->text ? '


    ' : ''). ''. ($w->content_only ? '' : '
    '); } }