setProperties([ 'priority' => 900, 'name' => __('Tag'), 'help' => __('Highlight tags of your blog.'), 'htmltag' => 'a', 'class' => ['a.epc-tag'], 'replace' => '%s', 'widget' => '%s' ]); $this->setSettings([ 'style' => ['text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 3px double #CCCCCC;'], 'notag' => 'a,h1,h2,h3', 'tplValues' => ['EntryContent'], 'pubPages' => ['post.html'] ]); return 'tag'; } public function publicContent($tag, $args) { if (!$this->core->plugins->moduleExists('tags')) { return null; } $metas = $this->core->meta->getMetadata(['meta_type' => 'tag']); while($metas->fetch()) { $args[0] = libEPC::replaceString( $metas->meta_id, sprintf($this->replace, $this->core->blog->url . $this->core->url->getBase('tag') . '/' . $metas->meta_id, '\\1'), $args[0], $this ); } return null; } public function widgetList($content, $w, &$list) { if (!$this->core->plugins->moduleExists('tags')) { return null; } $metas = $this->core->meta->getMetadata(['meta_type' => 'tag']); while($metas->fetch()) { $list[] = libEPC::matchString( $metas->meta_id, sprintf($this->widget, $this->core->blog->url . $this->core->url->getBase('tag') . '/' . $metas->meta_id, '\\1'), $content, $this ); } return null; } } class epcFilterSearch extends epcFilter { protected function init(): string { $this->setProperties([ 'priority' => 100, 'name' => __('Search'), 'help' => __('Highlight searched words.'), 'htmltag' => '', 'class' => ['span.epc-search'], 'replace' => '%s' ]); $this->setSettings([ 'nocase' => true, 'plural' => true, 'style' => ['color: #FFCC66;'], 'notag' => 'h1,h2,h3', 'tplValues' => ['EntryContent'], 'pubPages' => ['search.html'] ]); return 'search'; } public function publicContent($tag, $args) { if (!isset($GLOBALS['_search'])) { return null; } $searchs = explode(' ', $GLOBALS['_search']); foreach($searchs as $k => $v) { $args[0] = libEPC::replaceString( $v, sprintf($this->replace, '\\1'), $args[0], $this ); } return null; } } class epcFilterAcronym extends epcFilter { protected function init(): string { $this->setProperties([ 'priority' => 700, 'name' => __('Acronym'), 'help' => __('Explain some acronyms. First term of the list is the acornym and second term the explanation.'), 'has_list' => true, 'htmltag' => 'acronym', 'class' => ['acronym.epc-acronym'], 'replace' => '%s', 'widget' => '%s' ]); $this->setSettings([ 'style' => ['font-weight: bold;'], 'notag' => 'a,acronym,abbr,dfn,h1,h2,h3', 'tplValues' => ['EntryContent'], 'pubPages' => ['post.html'] ]); return 'acronym'; } public function publicContent($tag, $args) { while($this->records()->fetch()) { $args[0] = libEPC::replaceString( $this->records()->epc_key, sprintf($this->replace, __($this->records()->epc_value), '\\1'), $args[0], $this ); } return null; } public function widgetList($content, $w, &$list) { while($this->records()->fetch()) { $list[] = libEPC::matchString( $this->records()->epc_key, sprintf($this->widget, __($this->records()->epc_value), '\\1'), $content, $this ); } return null; } } class epcFilterAbbreviation extends epcFilter { protected function init(): string { $this->setProperties([ 'priority' => 400, 'name' => __('Abbreviation'), 'help' => __('Explain some abbreviation. First term of the list is the abbreviation and second term the explanation.'), 'has_list' => true, 'htmltag' => 'a', 'class' => ['abbr.epc-abbr'], 'replace' => '%s', 'widget' => '%s' ]); $this->setSettings([ 'style' => ['font-weight: bold;'], 'notag' => 'a,acronym,abbr,dfn,h1,h2,h3', 'tplValues' => ['EntryContent'], 'pubPages' => ['post.html'] ]); return 'abbreviation'; } public function publicContent($tag, $args) { while($this->records()->fetch()) { $args[0] = libEPC::replaceString( $this->records()->epc_key, sprintf($this->replace, __($this->records()->epc_value), '\\1'), $args[0], $this ); } return null; } public function widgetList($content, $w, &$list) { while($this->records()->fetch()) { $list[] = libEPC::matchString( $this->records()->epc_key, sprintf($this->widget, __($this->records()->epc_value), '\\1'), $content, $this ); } return null; } } class epcFilterDefinition extends epcFilter { protected function init(): string { $this->setProperties([ 'priority' => 800, 'name' => __('Definition'), 'help' => __('Explain some definition. First term of the list is the sample to define and second term the explanation.'), 'has_list' => true, 'htmltag' => 'dfn', 'class' => ['dfn.epc-dfn'], 'replace' => '%s', 'widget' => '%s' ]); $this->setSettings([ 'style' => ['font-weight: bold;'], 'notag' => 'a,acronym,abbr,dfn,h1,h2,h3', 'tplValues' => ['EntryContent'], 'pubPages' => ['post.html'] ]); return 'definition'; } public function publicContent($tag, $args) { while($this->records()->fetch()) { $args[0] = libEPC::replaceString( $this->records()->epc_key, sprintf($this->replace, __($this->records()->epc_value), '\\1'), $args[0], $this ); } return null; } public function widgetList($content, $w, &$list) { while($this->records()->fetch()) { $list[] = libEPC::matchString( $this->records()->epc_key, sprintf($this->widget, __($this->records()->epc_value), '\\1'), $content, $this ); } return null; } } class epcFilterCitation extends epcFilter { protected function init(): string { $this->setProperties([ 'priority' => 600, 'name' => __('Citation'), 'help' => __('Highlight citation of people. First term of the list is the citation and second term the author.'), 'has_list' => true, 'htmltag' => 'cite', 'class' => ['cite.epc-cite'], 'replace' => '%s', 'widget' => '%s' ]); $this->setSettings([ 'nocase' => true, 'style' => ['font-style: italic;'], 'notag' => 'a,h1,h2,h3', 'tplValues' => ['EntryContent'], 'pubPages' => ['post.html'] ]); return 'citation'; } public function publicContent($tag, $args) { while($this->records()->fetch()) { $args[0] = libEPC::replaceString( $this->records()->epc_key, sprintf($this->replace, __($this->records()->epc_value), '\\1'), $args[0], $this ); } return null; } public function widgetList($content, $w, &$list) { while($this->records()->fetch()) { $list[] = libEPC::matchString( $this->records()->epc_key, sprintf($this->widget, __($this->records()->epc_value), '\\1'), $content, $this ); } return null; } } class epcFilterLink extends epcFilter { protected function init(): string { $this->setProperties([ 'priority' => 500, 'name' => __('Link'), 'help' => __('Link some words. First term of the list is the term to link and second term the link.'), 'has_list' => true, 'htmltag' => 'a', 'class' => ['a.epc-link'], 'replace' => '%s', 'widget' => '%s' ]); $this->setSettings([ 'style' => ['text-decoration: none; font-style: italic; color: #0000FF;'], 'notag' => 'a,h1,h2,h3', 'tplValues' => ['EntryContent'], 'pubPages' => ['post.html'] ]); return 'link'; } public function publicContent($tag, $args) { while($this->records()->fetch()) { $args[0] = libEPC::replaceString( $this->records()->epc_key, sprintf($this->replace, '\\1', $this->records()->epc_value, '\\1'), $args[0], $this ); } return null; } public function widgetList($content, $w, &$list) { while($this->records()->fetch()) { $list[] = libEPC::matchString( $this->records()->epc_key, sprintf($this->widget, $this->records()->epc_value, $this->records()->epc_value, '\\1'), $content, $this ); } return null; } } class epcFilterReplace extends epcFilter { protected function init(): string { $this->setProperties([ 'priority' => 200, 'name' => __('Replace'), 'help' => __('Replace some text. First term of the list is the text to replace and second term the replacement.'), 'has_list' => true, 'htmltag' => '', 'class' => ['span.epc-replace'], 'replace' => '%s' ]); $this->setSettings([ 'nocase' => true, 'plural' => true, 'style' => ['font-style: italic;'], 'notag' => 'h1,h2,h3', 'tplValues' => ['EntryContent'], 'pubPages' => ['post.html'] ]); return 'replace'; } public function publicContent($tag, $args) { while($this->records()->fetch()) { $args[0] = libEPC::replaceString( $this->records()->epc_key, sprintf($this->replace, $this->records()->epc_value, '\\2'), $args[0], $this ); } return null; } } class epcFilterUpdate extends epcFilter { protected function init(): string { $this->setProperties([ 'priority' => 300, 'name' => __('Update'), 'help' => __('Update and show terms. First term of the list is the term to update and second term the new term.'), 'has_list' => true, 'htmltag' => 'del,ins', 'class' => ['del.epc-update', 'ins.epc-update'], 'replace' => '%s %s' ]); $this->setSettings([ 'nocase' => true, 'plural' => true, 'style' => ['text-decoration: line-through;', 'font-style: italic;'], 'notag' => 'h1,h2,h3', 'tplValues' => ['EntryContent'], 'pubPages' => ['post.html'] ]); return 'update'; } public function publicContent($tag, $args) { while($this->records()->fetch()) { $args[0] = libEPC::replaceString( $this->records()->epc_key, sprintf($this->replace, '\\1', $this->records()->epc_value), $args[0], $this ); } return null; } } class epcFilterTwitter extends epcFilter { protected function init(): string { $this->setProperties([ 'priority' => 1000, 'name' => __('Twitter'), 'help' => __('Add link to twitter user page. Every word started with "@" will be considered as twitter user.'), 'htmltag' => 'a', 'class' => ['a.epc-twitter'], 'replace' => '%s' ]); $this->setSettings([ 'style' => ['text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; color: #0000FF;'], 'notag' => 'a,h1,h2,h3', 'tplValues' => ['EntryContent'], 'pubPages' => ['post.html'] ]); return 'twitter'; } public function publicContent($tag, $args) { $args[0] = libEPC::replaceString( '[A-Za-z0-9_]{2,}', sprintf($this->replace, '\\1', '\\1'), $args[0], $this, '[^@]@', '\b' ); return null; } }