addBehavior('initWidgets', ['widgetKutrl', 'adminShorten']); $core->addBehavior('initWidgets', ['widgetKutrl', 'adminRank']); class widgetKutrl { public static function adminShorten($w) { $w ->create( 'shortenkutrl', __('Links shortener'), ['widgetKutrl', 'publicShorten'] ) ->addTitle(__('Shorten link')) ->addHomeOnly() ->addContentOnly() ->addClass() ->addOffline(); } public static function adminRank($w) { $w ->create( 'rankkutrl', __('Top of short links'), ['widgetKutrl', 'publicRank'] ) ->addTitle(__('Top of short links')) ->setting( 'text', __('Text: (Use wildcard %rank%, %hash%, %url%, %count%, %counttext%)'), '%rank% - %url% - %counttext%', 'text' ) ->setting( 'urllen', __('URL length (if truncate)'), 20, 'text' ) ->setting( 'type', __('Type:'), 'all', 'combo', [ __('All') => '-', __('Mini URL') => 'localnormal', __('Custom URL') => 'localcustom', __('Semi-custom') => 'localmix' ] ) ->setting( 'mixprefix', __('Semi-custom prefix: (only if you want limit to a particular prefix)'), '', 'text' ) ->setting( 'sortby', __('Sort by:'), 'kut_counter', 'combo', [ __('Date') => 'kut_dt', __('Rank') => 'kut_counter', __('Hash') => 'kut_hash' ] ) ->setting( 'sort', __('Sort:'), 'desc', 'combo', [ __('Ascending') => 'asc', __('Descending') => 'desc' ] ) ->setting( 'limit', __('Limit:'), '10', 'text' ) ->setting( 'hideempty', __('Hide no followed links'), 0, 'check' ) ->addHomeOnly() ->addContentOnly() ->addClass() ->addOffline(); } public static function publicShorten($w) { global $core; $s = $core->blog->settings->kUtRL; if (!$s->kutrl_active || !$s->kutrl_srv_local_public || ($w->homeonly == 1 && !$core->url->isHome($core->url->type)) || ($w->homeonly == 2 && $core->url->isHome($core->url->type)) || $core->url->type == 'kutrl') { return null; } $hmf = hmfKutrl::create(); $hmfp = hmfKutrl::protect($hmf); return $w->renderDiv( $w->content_only, 'shortenkutrlwidget ' . $w->class, '', ($w->title ? $w->renderTitle(html::escapeHTML($w->title)) : '') . '
' . '

' . '

' . '

' . form::hidden('hmfp', $hmfp) . $core->formNonce() . '

' . '
' ); } public static function publicRank($w) { global $core; $s = $core->blog->settings->kUtRL; if (!$s->kutrl_active || ($w->homeonly == 1 && !$core->url->isHome($core->url->type)) || ($w->homeonly == 2 && $core->url->isHome($core->url->type))) { return null; } $type = in_array($w->type, ['localnormal', 'localmix', 'localcustom']) ? "AND kut_type ='" . $w->type . "' " : 'AND kut_type ' . $core->con->in(['localnormal', 'localmix', 'localcustom']) . ' '; $hide = (bool) $w->hideempty ? 'AND kut_counter > 0 ' : ''; $more = ''; if ($w->type == 'localmix' && '' != $w->mixprefix) { $more = "AND kut_hash LIKE '" . $core->con->escape($w->mixprefix) . "%' "; } $order = ($w->sortby && in_array($w->sortby, ['kut_dt', 'kut_counter', 'kut_hash'])) ? $w->sortby : 'kut_dt'; $order .= $w->sort == 'desc' ? ' DESC' : ' ASC'; $limit = $core->con->limit(abs((int) $w->limit)); $rs = $core->con->select( 'SELECT kut_counter, kut_hash ' . 'FROM ' . $core->prefix . 'kutrl ' . "WHERE blog_id='" . $core->con->escape($core->blog->id) . "' " . "AND kut_service = 'local' " . $type . $hide . $more . 'ORDER BY ' . $order . $limit ); if ($rs->isEmpty()) { return null; } $content = ''; $i = 0; while ($rs->fetch()) { $i++; $rank = '' . $i . ''; $hash = $rs->kut_hash; $url = $core->blog->url . $core->url->getBase('kutrl') . '/' . $hash; $cut_len = - abs((int) $w->urllen); if (strlen($url) > $cut_len) { $url = '...' . substr($url, $cut_len); } /* if (strlen($hash) > $cut_len) { $url = '...'.substr($hash, $cut_len); } //*/ if ($rs->kut_counter == 0) { $counttext = __('never followed'); } elseif ($rs->kut_counter == 1) { $counttext = __('followed one time'); } else { $counttext = sprintf(__('followed %s times'), $rs->kut_counter); } $content .= '
  • ' . str_replace( ['%rank%', '%hash%', '%url%', '%count%', '%counttext%'], [$rank, $hash, $url, $rs->kut_counter, $counttext], $w->text ) . '
  • '; } if (empty($content)) { return null; } return $w->renderDiv( $w->content_only, 'lastblogupdate ' . $w->class, '', ($w->title ? $w->renderTitle(html::escapeHTML($w->title)) : '') . sprintf('', $content) ); } }