314 lines
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314 lines
6.3 KiB
# -- BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ----------------------------------
# This file is part of kUtRL, a plugin for Dotclear 2.
# Copyright (c) 2009-2011 JC Denis and contributors
# jcdenis@gdwd.com
# Licensed under the GPL version 2.0 license.
# A copy of this license is available in LICENSE file or at
# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
# -- END LICENSE BLOCK ------------------------------------
# This file contents class to acces local short links records
class kutrlLog
public $core;
public $table;
public $blog;
public $con;
public function __construct($core)
$this->core = $core;
$this->table = $core->prefix.'kutrl';
$this->blog = $core->con->escape($core->blog->id);
$this->con = $core->con;
public function nextId()
return $this->con->select(
'SELECT MAX(kut_id) FROM '.$this->table
)->f(0) + 1;
public function insert($url,$hash,$type,$service='kutrl')
$cur = $this->con->openCursor($this->table);
try {
$cur->kut_id = $this->nextId();
$cur->blog_id = $this->blog;
$cur->kut_url = (string) $url;
$cur->kut_hash = (string) $hash;
$cur->kut_type = (string) $type;
$cur->kut_service = (string) $service;
$cur->kut_dt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$cur->kut_counter = 0;
return array(
'id' => $cur->kut_id,
'url' => $url,
'hash' => $hash,
'type' => $type,
'service' => $service,
'counter '=> 0
catch (Exception $e)
throw $e;
return false;
public function select($url=null,$hash=null,$type=null,$service='kutrl')
$req =
'SELECT kut_id as id, kut_hash as hash, kut_url as url, '.
'kut_type as type, kut_service as service, kut_counter as counter '.
'FROM '.$this->table.' '.
"WHERE blog_id = '".$this->blog."' ".
"AND kut_service = '".$this->con->escape($service)."' ";
if (null !== $url)
$req .= "AND kut_url = '".$this->con->escape($url)."' ";
if (null !== $hash)
$req .= "AND kut_hash = '".$this->con->escape($hash)."' ";
if (null !== $type) {
if (is_array($type)) {
$req .= "AND kut_type '".$this->con->in($type)."' ";
else {
$req .= "AND kut_type = '".$this->con->escape($type)."' ";
$req .= 'ORDER BY kut_dt DESC '.$this->con->limit(1);
$rs = $this->con->select($req);
return $rs->isEmpty() ? false : $rs;
public function clear($id)
$id = (integer) $id;
$cur = $this->con->openCursor($this->table);
$cur->kut_url = '';
$cur->kut_dt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$cur->kut_counter = 0;
"WHERE blog_id='".$this->blog."' ".
"AND kut_id='".$id."' "
return true;
catch (Exception $e)
throw $e;
return false;
public function delete($id)
$id = (integer) $id;
return $this->con->execute(
'DELETE FROM '.$this->table.' '.
"WHERE blog_id='".$this->blog."' ".
"AND kut_id='".$id."' "
public function counter($id,$do='get')
$id = (integer) $id;
$rs = $this->con->select(
'SELECT kut_counter '.
'FROM '.$this->table.' '.
"WHERE blog_id='".$this->blog."' ".
"AND kut_id='".$id."' "
$counter = $rs->isEmpty() ? 0 : $rs->kut_counter;
if ('get' == $do)
return $counter;
elseif ('up' == $do)
$counter += 1;
elseif ('reset' == $do)
$counter = 0;
return 0;
$cur = $this->con->openCursor($this->table);
$cur->kut_counter = (integer) $counter;
"WHERE blog_id='".$this->blog."' ".
"AND kut_id='".$id."'"
return $counter;
public function getLogs($p,$count_only=false)
if ($count_only)
$r = 'SELECT count(S.kut_id) ';
$content_req = '';
if (!empty($p['columns']) && is_array($p['columns']))
$content_req .= implode(', ',$p['columns']).', ';
$r =
'SELECT S.kut_id, S.kut_type, S.kut_hash, S.kut_url, '.
$content_req.'S.kut_dt ';
$r .= 'FROM '.$this->table.' S ';
if (!empty($p['from']))
$r .= $p['from'].' ';
$r .= "WHERE S.blog_id = '".$this->blog."' ";
if (isset($p['kut_service']))
$r .= "AND kut_service='".$this->con->escape($p['kut_service'])."' ";
$r .= "AND kut_service='kutrl' ";
if (isset($p['kut_type']))
if (is_array($p['kut_type']) && !empty($p['kut_type']))
$r .= 'AND kut_type '.$this->con->in($p['kut_type']);
elseif ($p['kut_type'] != '')
$r .= "AND kut_type = '".$this->con->escape($p['kut_type'])."' ";
if (isset($p['kut_id']))
if (is_array($p['kut_id']) && !empty($p['kut_id']))
$r .= 'AND kut_id '.$this->con->in($p['kut_id']);
elseif ($p['kut_id'] != '')
$r .= "AND kut_id = '".$this->con->escape($p['kut_id'])."' ";
if (isset($p['kut_hash']))
if (is_array($p['kut_hash']) && !empty($p['kut_hash']))
$r .= 'AND kut_hash '.$this->con->in($p['kut_hash']);
elseif ($p['kut_hash'] != '')
$r .= "AND kut_hash = '".$this->con->escape($p['kut_hash'])."' ";
if (isset($p['kut_url']))
if (is_array($p['kut_url']) && !empty($p['kut_url']))
$r .= 'AND kut_url '.$this->con->in($p['kut_url']);
elseif ($p['kut_url'] != '')
$r .= "AND kut_url = '".$this->con->escape($p['kut_url'])."' ";
if (!empty($p['kut_year']))
$r .=
'AND '.$this->con->dateFormat('kut_dt','%Y').' = '.
"'".sprintf('%04d',$p['kut_year'])."' ";
if (!empty($p['kut_month']))
$r .=
'AND '.$this->con->dateFormat('kut_dt','%m').' = '.
"'".sprintf('%02d',$p['kut_month'])."' ";
if (!empty($p['kut_day']))
$r .=
'AND '.$this->con->dateFormat('kut_dt','%d').' = '.
"'".sprintf('%02d',$p['kut_day'])."' ";
if (!empty($p['sql']))
$r .= $p['sql'].' ';
if (!$count_only)
$r .= empty($p['order']) ?
'ORDER BY kut_dt DESC ' :
'ORDER BY '.$this->con->escape($p['order']).' ';
if (!$count_only && !empty($p['limit']))
$r .= $this->con->limit($p['limit']);
return $this->con->select($r);