offline) { return null; } # Nothing to display if ($w->homeonly == 1 && $core->url->type != 'default' || $w->homeonly == 2 && $core->url->type == 'default' || !$w->blog_show && !$w->post_show && !$w->comment_show && !$w->media_show || !$w->blog_text && !$w->post_text && !$w->comment_text && !$w->media_text) { return null; } $blog = $post = $comment = $media = $addons = ''; # Blog if ($w->blog_show && $w->blog_text) { $title = $w->blog_title ? sprintf('%s', html::escapeHTML($w->blog_title)) : ''; $text = dt::str($w->blog_text, $core->blog->upddt, $core->blog->settings->system->blog_timezone); $blog = sprintf('
  • %s%s
  • ', $title, $text); } # Post if ($w->post_show && $w->post_text) { $rs = $core->blog->getPosts(['limit' => 1, 'no_content' => true]); if (!$rs->isEmpty()) { $title = $w->post_title ? sprintf('%s', html::escapeHTML($w->post_title)) : ''; $text = dt::str($w->post_text, strtotime($rs->post_upddt), $core->blog->settings->system->blog_timezone); $link = $rs->getURL(); $over = $rs->post_title; $post = sprintf('
  • %s%s
  • ', $title, $link, $over, $text); } } # Comment if ($w->comment_show && $w->comment_text) { $rs = $core->blog->getComments(['limit' => 1, 'no_content' => true]); if (!$rs->isEmpty()) { $title = $w->comment_title ? sprintf('%s', html::escapeHTML($w->comment_title)) : ''; $text = dt::str($w->comment_text, strtotime($rs->comment_upddt), $core->blog->settings->system->blog_timezone); $link = $core->blog->url . $core->getPostPublicURL($rs->post_type, html::sanitizeURL($rs->post_url)) . '#c' . $rs->comment_id; $over = $rs->post_title; $comment = sprintf('
  • %s%s
  • ', $title, $link, $over, $text); } } # Media if ($w->media_show && $w->media_text) { $rs = $core->con->select( 'SELECT media_upddt FROM ' . $core->prefix . 'media ' . "WHERE media_path='" . $core->con->escape($core->blog->settings->system->public_path) . "' " . 'ORDER BY media_upddt DESC ' . $core->con->limit(1) ); if (!$rs->isEmpty()) { $title = $w->media_title ? sprintf('%s', html::escapeHTML($w->media_title)) : ''; $text = dt::str($w->media_text, strtotime($rs->f('media_upddt')), $core->blog->settings->system->blog_timezone); $media = sprintf('
  • %s%s
  • ', $title, $text); } } # --BEHAVIOR-- lastBlogUpdateWidgetParse $addons = $core->callBehavior('lastBlogUpdateWidgetParse', $core, $w); # Nothing to display if (!$blog && !$post && !$comment && !$media && !$addons) { return null; } # Display return $w->renderDiv( $w->content_only, 'lastblogupdate ' . $w->class, '', ($w->title ? $w->renderTitle(html::escapeHTML($w->title)) : '') . sprintf('', $blog . $post . $comment . $media . $addons) ); }