blog->settings->periodical; $per = new periodical($core); # Default values $action = isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : ''; $part = isset($_REQUEST['part']) && $_REQUEST['part'] == 'period' ? 'period' : 'periods'; ############################################################ # # One period # ############################################################ if ($part == 'period') { $starting_script = ''; # Default value for period $period_id = null; $period_title = __('One post per day'); $period_pub_nb = 1; $period_pub_int = 'day'; $period_curdt = date('Y-m-d H:i:00', time()); $period_enddt = date('Y-m-d H:i:00', time() + 31536000); //one year # Get period if (!empty($_REQUEST['period_id'])) { $rs = $per->getPeriods([ 'periodical_id' => $_REQUEST['period_id'] ]); if ($rs->isEmpty()) { $core->error->add(__('This period does not exist.')); $period_id = null; } else { $period_id = $rs->periodical_id; $period_title = $rs->periodical_title; $period_pub_nb = $rs->periodical_pub_nb; $period_pub_int = $rs->periodical_pub_int; $period_curdt = date('Y-m-d H:i', strtotime($rs->periodical_curdt)); $period_enddt = date('Y-m-d H:i', strtotime($rs->periodical_enddt)); //todo load related posts } } # Set period if ($action == 'setperiod') { # Get POST values if (!empty($_POST['period_title'])) { $period_title = $_POST['period_title']; } if (!empty($_POST['period_pub_nb'])) { $period_pub_nb = abs((integer) $_POST['period_pub_nb']); } if (!empty($_POST['period_pub_int']) && in_array($_POST['period_pub_int'], $per->getTimesCombo())) { $period_pub_int = $_POST['period_pub_int']; } if (!empty($_POST['period_curdt'])) { $period_curdt = date('Y-m-d H:i:00', strtotime($_POST['period_curdt'])); } if (!empty($_POST['period_enddt'])) { $period_enddt = date('Y-m-d H:i:00', strtotime($_POST['period_enddt'])); } # Check period title and dates $old_titles = $per->getPeriods([ 'periodical_title' => $period_title ]); if (!$old_titles->isEmpty()) { while($old_titles->fetch()) { if (!$period_id || $old_titles->periodical_id != $period_id) { $core->error->add(__('Period title is already taken')); } } } if (empty($period_title)) { $core->error->add(__('Period title is required')); } if (strtotime($period_curdt) > strtotime($period_enddt)) { $core->error->add(__('Start date must be older than end date')); } # If no error, set period if (!$core->error->flag()) { $cur = $per->openCursor(); $cur->periodical_title = $period_title; $cur->periodical_curdt = $period_curdt; $cur->periodical_enddt = $period_enddt; $cur->periodical_pub_int = $period_pub_int; $cur->periodical_pub_nb = $period_pub_nb; # Update period if ($period_id) { $per->updPeriod($period_id, $cur); dcPage::addSuccessNotice( __('Period successfully updated.') ); # Create period } else { $period_id = $per->addPeriod($cur); dcPage::addSuccessNotice( __('Period successfully created.') ); } http::redirect(empty($_POST['redir']) ? $p_url . '&part=period&period_id=' . $period_id . '#period' : $_POST['redir'] ); } } # Actions on related posts if (!$core->error->flag() && $period_id && $action && !empty($_POST['periodical_entries'])) { # Publish posts if ($action == 'publish') { try { foreach($_POST['periodical_entries'] as $id) { $id = (integer) $id; $core->blog->updPostStatus($id, 1); $per->delPost($id); } dcPage::addSuccessNotice( __('Entries successfully published.') ); http::redirect(empty($_POST['redir']) ? $p_url . '&part=period&period_id=' . $period_id . '#posts' : $_POST['redir'] ); } catch (Exception $e) { $core->error->add($e->getMessage()); } } # Unpublish posts if ($action == 'unpublish') { try { foreach($_POST['periodical_entries'] as $id) { $id = (integer) $id; $core->blog->updPostStatus($id,0); $per->delPost($id); } dcPage::addSuccessNotice( __('Entries successfully unpublished.') ); http::redirect(empty($_POST['redir']) ? $p_url . '&part=period&period_id=' . $period_id . '#posts' : $_POST['redir'] ); } catch (Exception $e) { $core->error->add($e->getMessage()); } } # Remove posts from periodical if ($action == 'remove_post_periodical') { try { foreach($_POST['periodical_entries'] as $id) { $id = (integer) $id; $per->delPost($id); } dcPage::addSuccessNotice( __('Entries successfully removed.') ); http::redirect(empty($_POST['redir']) ? $p_url . '&part=period&period_id=' . $period_id . '#posts' : $_POST['redir'] ); } catch (Exception $e) { $core->error->add($e->getMessage()); } } } # Prepare combos for posts list if ($period_id) { try { # Getting categories $categories = $core->blog->getCategories(['post_type' => 'post']); # Getting authors $users = $core->blog->getPostsUsers(); # Getting dates $dates = $core->blog->getDates(['type' => 'month']); # Getting langs $langs = $core->blog->getLangs(); } catch (Exception $e) { $core->error->add($e->getMessage()); } } # Creating filter combo boxes if ($period_id && !$core->error->flag()) { # Users combo $users_combo = array_merge( ['-' => ''], dcAdminCombos::getUsersCombo($users) ); # Categories combo $categories_combo = array_merge( [ new formSelectOption('-', ''), new formSelectOption(__('(No cat)'), 'NULL') ], dcAdminCombos::getCategoriesCombo($categories, false) ); $categories_values = []; foreach ($categories_combo as $cat) { if (isset($cat->value)) { $categories_values[$cat->value] = true; } } # Status combo $status_combo = array_merge( ['-' => ''], dcAdminCombos::getPostStatusesCombo() ); # Selection combo $selected_combo = [ '-' => '', __('Selected') => '1', __('Not selected') => '0' ]; # Attachments combo $attachment_combo = [ '-' => '', __('With attachments') => '1', __('Without attachments') => '0' ]; # Months combo $dt_m_combo = array_merge( ['-' => ''], dcAdminCombos::getDatesCombo($dates) ); # Langs combo $lang_combo = array_merge( ['-' => ''], dcAdminCombos::getLangsCombo($langs, false) ); # Sort_by combo $sortby_combo = [ __('Date') => 'post_dt', __('Title') => 'post_title', __('Category') => 'cat_title', __('Author') => 'user_id', __('Status') => 'post_status', __('Selected') => 'post_selected', __('Number of comments') => 'nb_comment', __('Number of trackbacks') => 'nb_trackback' ]; # order combo $order_combo = [ __('Descending') => 'desc', __('Ascending') => 'asc' ]; # parse filters $user_id = !empty($_GET['user_id']) ? $_GET['user_id'] : ''; $cat_id = !empty($_GET['cat_id']) ? $_GET['cat_id'] : ''; $status = isset($_GET['status']) ? $_GET['status'] : ''; $selected = isset($_GET['selected']) ? $_GET['selected'] : ''; $attachment = isset($_GET['attachment']) ? $_GET['attachment'] : ''; $month = !empty($_GET['month']) ? $_GET['month'] : ''; $lang = !empty($_GET['lang']) ? $_GET['lang'] : ''; $sortby = !empty($_GET['sortby']) ? $_GET['sortby'] : 'post_dt'; $order = !empty($_GET['order']) ? $_GET['order'] : 'desc'; $show_filters = false; $page = !empty($_GET['page']) ? max(1, (integer) $_GET['page']) : 1; $nb_per_page = 30; if (!empty($_GET['nb']) && (integer) $_GET['nb'] > 0) { if ($nb_per_page != $_GET['nb']) { $show_filters = true; } $nb_per_page = (integer) $_GET['nb']; } $params['limit'] = [(($page-1)*$nb_per_page), $nb_per_page]; $params['no_content'] = true; $params['periodical_id'] = $period_id; # - User filter if ($user_id !== '' && in_array($user_id, $users_combo)) { $params['user_id'] = $user_id; $show_filters = true; } else { $user_id=''; } # - Categories filter if ($cat_id !== '' && isset($categories_values[$cat_id])) { $params['cat_id'] = $cat_id; $show_filters = true; } else { $cat_id=''; } # - Status filter if ($status !== '' && in_array($status, $status_combo)) { $params['post_status'] = $status; $show_filters = true; } else { $status=''; } # - Selected filter if ($selected !== '' && in_array($selected, $selected_combo)) { $params['post_selected'] = $selected; $show_filters = true; } else { $selected=''; } # - Selected filter if ($attachment !== '' && in_array($attachment, $attachment_combo)) { $params['media'] = $attachment; $params['link_type'] = 'attachment'; $show_filters = true; } else { $attachment=''; } # - Month filter if ($month !== '' && in_array($month, $dt_m_combo)) { $params['post_month'] = substr($month, 4, 2); $params['post_year'] = substr($month, 0, 4); $show_filters = true; } else { $month=''; } # - Lang filter if ($lang !== '' && in_array($lang, $lang_combo)) { $params['post_lang'] = $lang; $show_filters = true; } else { $lang=''; } # - Sortby and order filter if ($sortby !== '' && in_array($sortby, $sortby_combo)) { if ($order !== '' && in_array($order, $order_combo)) { $params['order'] = $sortby.' '.$order; } else { $order='desc'; } if ($sortby != 'post_dt' || $order != 'desc') { $show_filters = true; } } else { $sortby='post_dt'; $order='desc'; } # Get posts try { $posts = $per->getPosts($params); $counter = $per->getPosts($params, true); $post_list = new adminPeriodicalList($core, $posts, $counter->f(0)); } catch (Exception $e) { $core->error->add($e->getMessage()); } $starting_script = dcPage::jsLoad( 'index.php?pf=periodical/js/postsfilter.js' ) . '\n"; } # Display echo ' ' . __('Periodical') . '' . dcPage::jsLoad('index.php?pf=periodical/js/dates.js') . $starting_script . dcPage::jsDatePicker() . dcPage::jsPageTabs() . ' '; echo dcPage::breadcrumb([ html::escapeHTML($core->blog->name) => '', __('Periodical') => $p_url . '&part=periods', (null === $period_id ? __('New period') : __('Edit period')) => '' ]) . dcPage::notices(); # Period form echo '

' . form::field('period_title', 60, 255, html::escapeHTML($period_title), 'maximal') . '

' . form::field('period_curdt', 16, 16, date('Y-m-d H:i', strtotime($period_curdt))) . '

' . form::field('period_enddt', 16, 16, date('Y-m-d H:i', strtotime($period_enddt))) . '

' . form::combo('period_pub_int',$per->getTimesCombo(), $period_pub_int) . '

' . form::field('period_pub_nb', 10, 3, html::escapeHTML($period_pub_nb)) . '

' . $core->formNonce() . form::hidden(['action'], 'setperiod') . form::hidden(['period_id'], $period_id) . form::hidden(['part'], 'period') .'

'; if ($period_id && !$core->error->flag()) { # Actions combo box $combo_action = array(); $combo_action[__('Entries')][__('Publish')] = 'publish'; $combo_action[__('Entries')][__('Unpublish')] = 'unpublish'; $combo_action[__('Periodical')][__('Remove from periodical')] = 'remove_post_periodical'; $base_url = $p_url . '&period_id=' .$period_id . '&part=period' . '&user_id=' . $user_id . '&cat_id=' . $cat_id . '&status=' . $status . '&selected=' . $selected . '&attachment=' . $attachment . '&month=' . $month . '&lang=' . $lang . '&sortby=' . $sortby . '&order=' . $order . '&nb=' . $nb_per_page . '&page=%s' . '#posts'; echo '
'; # Filters echo '
' . '

' . __('Cancel filters and display options') . '

' . '
' . '
' . '

' . __('Filters') . '

' . '

' . form::combo('user_id', $users_combo, $user_id) . '

' . '

' . form::combo('cat_id', $categories_combo, $cat_id) . '

' . '

' . form::combo('status', $status_combo, $status) . '

' . '
' . '
' . '

' . form::combo('selected', $selected_combo, $selected) .'

' . '

' . form::combo('attachment', $attachment_combo, $attachment) . '

' . '

' . form::combo('month', $dt_m_combo,$month) . '

' . '

' . form::combo('lang', $lang_combo, $lang) . '

' . '
'. '
' . '

' . __('Display options') . '

' . '

' . form::combo('sortby', $sortby_combo, $sortby) . '

' . '

' . form::combo('order', $order_combo, $order) . '

' . '

' . __('Show') . '

' . '
' . '
' . '

' . form::hidden(['p'], 'periodical') . form::hidden(['part'], 'period') . form::hidden(['period_id'], $period_id) . '

' . //Opera sucks '
'; # Posts list echo $post_list->postDisplay($page, $nb_per_page, $base_url, '
' . '%s' . '
' . '

' . '

' . __('Selected entries action:') . ' ' . form::combo('action', $combo_action) . '

' . form::hidden(['period_id'], $period_id) . form::hidden(['user_id'], $user_id) . form::hidden(['cat_id'], $cat_id) . form::hidden(['status'], $status) . form::hidden(['selected'], $selected) . form::hidden(['attachment'], $attachment) . form::hidden(['month'], $month) . form::hidden(['lang'], $lang) . form::hidden(['sortby'], $sortby) . form::hidden(['order'], $order) . form::hidden(['page'], $page) . form::hidden(['nb'], $nb_per_page) . form::hidden(['p'], 'periodical') . form::hidden(['part'], 'period') . form::hidden(['redir'], sprintf($base_url, $page)) . $core->formNonce() . '
' . '
' ); echo '
'; } ############################################################ # # All periods # ############################################################ } else { # Delete periods and related posts links if ($action == 'deleteperiods' && !empty($_POST['periods'])) { try { foreach($_POST['periods'] as $id) { $id = (integer) $id; $per->delPeriodPosts($id); $per->delPeriod($id); } dcPage::addSuccessNotice( __('Periods removed.') ); http::redirect(empty($_POST['redir']) ? $p_url.'&part=periods' : $_POST['redir'] ); } catch (Exception $e) { $core->error->add($e->getMessage()); } } # Delete periods related posts links (without delete periods) if ($action == 'emptyperiods' && !empty($_POST['periods'])) { try { foreach($_POST['periods'] as $id) { $id = (integer) $id; $per->delPeriodPosts($id); } dcPage::addSuccessNotice( __('Periods emptied.') ); http::redirect(empty($_POST['redir']) ? $p_url.'&part=periods' : $_POST['redir'] ); } catch (Exception $e) { $core->error->add($e->getMessage()); } } $combo_action = [ __('empty periods') => 'emptyperiods', __('delete periods') => 'deleteperiods' ]; # Filters $p_filter = new adminGenericFilter($core, 'periodical'); $p_filter->add('part', 'period'); $params = $p_filter->params(); # Get periods try { $periods = $per->getPeriods($params); $counter = $per->getPeriods($params, true); $period_list = new adminPeriodicalList($core, $periods, $counter->f(0)); } catch (Exception $e) { $core->error->add($e->getMessage()); } # Display echo '' . __('Periodical') . '' . //dcPage::jsLoad('index.php?pf=periodical/js/periodsfilter.js') . $p_filter->js($core->adminurl->get('admin.plugin.periodical', ['part' => 'periods'])) . '' . '' . dcPage::breadcrumb( [ html::escapeHTML($core->blog->name) => '', __('Periodical') => '' ] ) . dcPage::notices() . '

' . __('New period') . '

'; # Filters $p_filter->display('admin.plugin.periodical', form::hidden('p', 'periodical') . form::hidden('part', 'periods')); # Posts list echo $period_list->periodDisplay($p_filter->page, $p_filter->nb, '
' . '%s' . '
' . '

' . '

' . __('Selected periods action:') . ' ' . form::combo('action', $combo_action) . '

' . $core->adminurl->getHiddenFormFields('admin.plugin.periodical', array_merge(['p' => 'periodical'], $p_filter->values(true))) . $core->formNonce() . '
' . '
' ); } dcPage::helpBlock('periodical'); echo '';