getVersion('postExpired') != $core->plugins->moduleInfo('postExpired', 'version')) { return null; } __('Expired on'); __('This entry has no expiration date'); # launch update only on public home page and feed if (in_array($core->url->type, array('default', 'feed'))) { $core->addBehavior( 'publicBeforeDocument', array('publicBehaviorPostExpired', 'publicBeforeDocument') ); } $core->addBehavior( 'coreBlogGetPosts', array('publicBehaviorPostExpired', 'coreBlogGetPosts') ); $core->tpl->addBlock( 'EntryExpiredIf', array('tplPostExpired', 'EntryExpiredIf') ); $core->tpl->addValue( 'EntryExpiredDate', array('tplPostExpired', 'EntryExpiredDate') ); $core->tpl->addValue( 'EntryExpiredTime', array('tplPostExpired', 'EntryExpiredTime') ); /** * @ingroup DC_PLUGIN_POSTEXPIRED * @brief Scheduled post change - public methods. * @since 2.6 */ class publicBehaviorPostExpired { /** * Check if there are expired dates * * @param dcCore $core dcCore instance */ public static function publicBeforeDocument(dcCore $core) { # Get expired dates and post_id $posts = $core->con->select( 'SELECT P.post_id, P.post_tz, META.meta_id '. 'FROM '.$core->prefix.'post P '. 'INNER JOIN '.$core->prefix.'meta META '. 'ON META.post_id = P.post_id '. "WHERE blog_id = '".$core->con->escape($core->blog->id)."' ". // Removed for quick compatibility with some plugins //"AND P.post_type = 'post' ". "AND META.meta_type = 'post_expired' " ); # No expired date if ($posts->isEmpty()) { return null; } # Get curent timestamp $now = dt::toUTC(time()); # Prepared post cursor $post_cur = $core->con->openCursor($core->prefix.'post'); # Loop through marked posts $updated = false; while($posts->fetch()) { # Decode meta record $post_expired = decodePostExpired($posts->meta_id); # Check if post is outdated $now_tz = $now + dt::getTimeOffset($posts->post_tz, $now); $meta_tz = strtotime($post_expired['date']); if ($now_tz > $meta_tz) { # Delete meta for expired date $core->auth->sudo( array($core->meta, 'delPostMeta'), $posts->post_id, 'post_expired' ); # Prepare post cursor $post_cur->clean(); $post_cur->post_upddt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $now_tz); # Loop through actions foreach($post_expired as $k => $v) { if (empty($v)) { continue; } # values are prefixed by "!" $v = (integer) substr($v, 1); # Put value in post cursor switch($k) { case 'status': $post_cur->post_status = $v; break; case 'category': $post_cur->cat_id = $v ? $v : null; break; case 'selected': $post_cur->post_selected = $v; break; case 'comment': $post_cur->post_open_comment = $v; break; case 'trackback': $post_cur->post_open_tb = $v; break; } } # Update post $post_cur->update( 'WHERE post_id = '.$posts->post_id.' '. "AND blog_id = '".$core->con->escape($core->blog->id)."' " ); $updated = true; } } # Say blog is updated if ($updated) { $core->blog->triggerBlog(); } } /** * Extends posts record with expired date * * @param record $rs Post recordset */ public static function coreBlogGetPosts(record $rs) { $rs->extend('rsExtPostExpiredPublic'); } } /** * @ingroup DC_PLUGIN_POSTEXPIRED * @brief Scheduled post change - extends recordset. * @since 2.6 */ class rsExtPostExpiredPublic extends rsExtPost { /** * Retrieve expired date of a post * * @param record $rs Post recordset * @return string Expired date or null */ public static function postExpiredDate(record $rs) { if (!$rs->postexpired[$rs->post_id]) { //memory $rs_date = $rs->core->meta->getMetadata(array( 'meta_type' => 'post_expired', 'post_id' => $rs->post_id, 'limit' => 1 )); if ($rs_date->isEmpty()) { return null; } $v = unserialize(base64_decode($rs_date->meta_id)); $rs->postexpired[$rs->post_id] = $v['date']; } return $rs->postexpired[$rs->post_id]; } } /** * @ingroup DC_PLUGIN_POSTEXPIRED * @brief Scheduled post change - template methods. * @since 2.6 */ class tplPostExpired { /** * Template condition to check if there is an expired date * * @param array $attr Block attributes * @param string $content Block content */ public static function EntryExpiredIf($attr, $content) { $if = array(); $operator = isset($attr['operator']) ? self::getOperator($attr['operator']) : '&&'; if (isset($attr['has_date'])) { $sign = (boolean) $attr['has_date'] ? '!' : '='; $if[] = '(null '.$sign.'== $_ctx->posts->postExpiredDate())'; } else { $if[] = '(null !== $_ctx->posts->postExpiredDate())'; } return "\n". $content. "\n"; } /** * Template for expired date * * @param array $attr Value attributes */ public static function EntryExpiredDate($attr) { $format = !empty($attr['format']) ? addslashes($attr['format']) : ''; $f = $GLOBALS['core']->tpl->getFilters($attr); if (!empty($attr['rfc822'])) $res = sprintf($f,"dt::rfc822(strtotime(\$_ctx->posts->postExpiredDate()),\$_ctx->posts->post_tz)"); elseif (!empty($attr['iso8601'])) $res = sprintf($f,"dt::iso8601(strtotime(\$_ctx->posts->postExpiredDate(),\$_ctx->posts->post_tz)"); elseif ($format) $res = sprintf($f,"dt::dt2str('".$format."',\$_ctx->posts->postExpiredDate())"); else $res = sprintf($f,"dt::dt2str(\$core->blog->settings->system->date_format,\$_ctx->posts->postExpiredDate())"); return 'posts->postExpiredDate()) { echo '.$res.'; } ?>'; } /** * Template for expired time * * @param array $attr Value attributes */ public static function EntryExpiredTime($attr) { return 'posts->postExpiredDate()) { echo '.sprintf($GLOBALS['core']->tpl->getFilters($attr),"dt::dt2str(".(!empty($attr['format']) ? "'".addslashes($attr['format'])."'" : "\$core->blog->settings->system->time_format").",\$_ctx->posts->postExpiredDate())").'; } ?>'; } /** * Parse tempalte attributes oprerator * * @param string $op Operator */ protected static function getOperator($op) { switch (strtolower($op)) { case 'or': case '||': return '||'; case 'and': case '&&': default: return '&&'; } } }