/* -- BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ---------------------------------- * * This file is part of postExpired, a plugin for Dotclear 2. * * Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Jean-Christian Denis and contributors * contact@jcdenis.fr http://jcd.lv * * Licensed under the GPL version 2.0 license. * A copy of this license is available in LICENSE file or at * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html * * -- END LICENSE BLOCK ------------------------------------*/ $(function(){ var post_pe_field=document.getElementById('post_expired_date'); if(post_pe_field!=undefined){ var post_pe_dtPick=new datePicker(post_pe_field); post_pe_dtPick.img_top='1.5em'; post_pe_dtPick.draw(); } $('#post_expired h4').toggleWithLegend( $('#post_expired').children().not('h4'), {cookie:'dcx_postexpired_admin_form_sidebar',legend_click:true} ); });