getVersion('postExpired') != $core->plugins->moduleInfo('postExpired', 'version')) { return null; } # Check user right if (!$core->auth->check('contentadmin', $core->blog->id)) { return null; } # Admin behaviors $core->addBehavior( 'adminPostsActionsPage', ['adminBehaviorPostExpired', 'adminPostsActionsPage'] ); $core->addBehavior( 'adminPagesActionsPage', ['adminBehaviorPostExpired', 'adminPostsActionsPage'] ); $core->addBehavior( 'adminPostHeaders', ['adminBehaviorPostExpired', 'adminPostHeaders'] ); $core->addBehavior( 'adminPageHeaders', ['adminBehaviorPostExpired', 'adminPostHeaders'] ); $core->addBehavior( 'adminPostFormItems', ['adminBehaviorPostExpired', 'adminPostFormItems'] ); $core->addBehavior( 'adminPageFormItems', ['adminBehaviorPostExpired', 'adminPostFormItems'] ); $core->addBehavior( 'adminBeforePostDelete', ['adminBehaviorPostExpired', 'adminBeforePostDelete'] ); $core->addBehavior( 'adminBeforePageDelete', ['adminBehaviorPostExpired', 'adminBeforePostDelete'] ); $core->addBehavior( 'adminAfterPostUpdate', ['adminBehaviorPostExpired', 'adminAfterPostSave'] ); $core->addBehavior( 'adminAfterPageUpdate', ['adminBehaviorPostExpired', 'adminAfterPostSave'] ); $core->addBehavior( 'adminAfterPostCreate', ['adminBehaviorPostExpired', 'adminAfterPostSave'] ); $core->addBehavior( 'adminAfterPageCreate', ['adminBehaviorPostExpired', 'adminAfterPostSave'] ); /** * @ingroup DC_PLUGIN_POSTEXPIRED * @brief Scheduled post change - admin methods. * @since 2.6 */ class adminBehaviorPostExpired { /** * Add actions to posts page combo * * @param dcCore $core dcCore instance * @param dcPostsActionsPage $ap dcPostsActionsPage instance */ public static function adminPostsActionsPage(dcCore $core, dcPostsActionsPage $pa) { $pa->addAction( array( __('Expired entries') => array( __('Add expired date') => 'post_expired_add' ) ), array('adminBehaviorPostExpired', 'callbackAdd') ); $pa->addAction( array( __('Expired entries') => array( __('Remove expired date') => 'post_expired_remove' ) ), array('adminBehaviorPostExpired', 'callbackRemove') ); } /** * Add javascript for date field and toggle * * @return string HTML head */ public static function adminPostHeaders() { return dcPage::jsLoad('index.php?pf=postExpired/js/postexpired.js'); } /** * Add form to post sidebar * * @param ArrayObject $main_items Main items * @param ArrayObject $sidebar_items Sidebar items * @param record $post Post record or null */ public static function adminPostFormItems(ArrayObject $main_items, ArrayObject $sidebar_items, $post) { if ($post === null) { return null; } $sidebar_items['post_expired'] = array( 'title' => __('Expired date'), 'items' => self::fieldsPostExpired( $GLOBALS['core'], $post->post_type, $post->post_id ) ); } /** * Delete expired date on post edition * * @param integer $post_id Post id */ public static function adminBeforePostDelete($post_id) { self::delPostExpired($GLOBALS['core'], $post_id); } /** * Add expired date on post edition * * @param cursor $cur Current post cursor * @param integer $post_id Post id */ public static function adminAfterPostSave(cursor $cur, $post_id) { global $core; self::delPostExpired($core, $post_id); if (!empty($_POST['post_expired_date']) && (!empty($_POST['post_expired_status']) || !empty($_POST['post_expired_category']) || !empty($_POST['post_expired_selected']) || !empty($_POST['post_expired_comment']) || !empty($_POST['post_expired_trackback']))) { self::setPostExpired($core, $post_id, $_POST); } } /** * Posts actions callback to add expired date * * @param dcCore $core dcCore instance * @param dcPostsActionsPage $pa dcPostsActionsPage instance * @param ArrayObject $post _POST actions */ public static function callbackAdd(dcCore $core, dcPostsActionsPage $pa, ArrayObject $post) { # No entry $posts_ids = $pa->getIDs(); if (empty($posts_ids)) { throw new Exception(__('No entry selected')); } # Add epired date if (!empty($post['post_expired_date']) && (!empty($post['post_expired_status']) || !empty($post['post_expired_category']) || !empty($post['post_expired_selected']) || !empty($post['post_expired_comment']) || !empty($post['post_expired_trackback']))) { foreach($posts_ids as $post_id) { self::delPostExpired($core, $post_id); self::setPostExpired($core, $post_id, $post); } dcPage::addSuccessNotice(__('Expired date added.')); $pa->redirect(true); # Display form } else { # Get records to know post type $posts = $pa->getRS(); $pa->beginPage( dcPage::breadcrumb(array( html::escapeHTML($core->blog->name) => '', $pa->getCallerTitle() => $pa->getRedirection(true), __('Add expired date to this selection') => '' )), dcPage::jsDatePicker() . self::adminPostHeaders() ); echo '
' . $pa->getCheckboxes() . implode('', self::fieldsPostExpired($core, $posts->post_type)) . $core->formNonce() . $pa->getHiddenFields() . form::hidden(array('action'), 'post_expired_add') . '

' . '
'; $pa->endPage(); } } /** * Posts actions callback to add expired date * * @param dcCore $core dcCore instance * @param dcPostsActionsPage $pa dcPostsActionsPage instance * @param ArrayObject $post _POST actions */ public static function callbackRemove(dcCore $core, dcPostsActionsPage $pa, ArrayObject $post) { # No entry $posts_ids = $pa->getIDs(); if (empty($posts_ids)) { throw new Exception(__('No entry selected')); } # Delete expired date foreach($posts_ids as $post_id) { self::delPostExpired($core, $post_id); } dcPage::addSuccessNotice(__('Expired date deleted.')); $pa->redirect(true); } /** * Delete expired date * * @param dcCore $core dcCore instance * @param integer $post_id Post id */ protected static function delPostExpired(dcCore $core, $post_id) { $core->meta->delPostMeta($post_id, 'post_expired'); } /** * Save expired date * * @param dcCore $core dcCore instance * @param integer $post_id Post id * @param array $post _POST fields */ protected static function setPostExpired(dcCore $core, $post_id, $post) { $post_expired = array( 'status'=> '', 'category'=> '', 'selected'=> '', 'comment'=> '', 'trackback' => '', 'date'=> date( 'Y-m-d H:i:00', strtotime($post['post_expired_date']) ) ); if (!empty($post['post_expired_status'])) { $post_expired['status'] = (string) $post['post_expired_status']; } if (!empty($post['post_expired_category'])) { $post_expired['category'] = (string) $post['post_expired_category']; } if (!empty($post['post_expired_selected'])) { $post_expired['selected'] = (string) $post['post_expired_selected']; } if (!empty($post['post_expired_comment'])) { $post_expired['comment'] = (string) $post['post_expired_comment']; } if (!empty($post['post_expired_trackback'])) { $post_expired['trackback'] = (string) $post['post_expired_trackback']; } $core->meta->setPostMeta( $post_id, 'post_expired', encodePostExpired($post_expired) ); } /** * Expired date form fields * * @param dcCore $core dcCore instance * @param string $post_type Posts type * @return array Array of HTML form fields */ protected static function fieldsPostExpired(dcCore $core, $post_type, $post_id = null) { $fields = $post_expired = array(); if ($post_id) { $rs = $core->meta->getMetadata([ 'meta_type' => 'post_expired', 'post_id' => $post_id, 'limit' => 1 ]); if (!$rs->isEmpty()) { $post_expired = decodePostExpired($rs->meta_id); } } $fields['post_expired_date'] = '

' . form::field( 'post_expired_date', 16, 16, empty($post_expired['date']) ? '' : $post_expired['date'] ) . '

'; $fields['post_expired_status'] = '
' . __('On this date, change:') . '
' . '

' . form::combo( 'post_expired_status', self::statusCombo(), empty($post_expired['status']) ? '' : $post_expired['status'] ) . '

'; if ($post_type == 'post') { $fields['post_expired_category'] = '

' . form::combo( 'post_expired_category', self::categoriesCombo( $core->blog->getCategories( array('post_type' => 'post') ) ), empty($post_expired['category']) ? '' : $post_expired['category'] ) . '

'; $fields['post_expired_selected'] = '

' . form::combo( 'post_expired_selected', self::selectedCombo(), empty($post_expired['selected']) ? '' : $post_expired['selected'] ) . '

'; } $fields['post_expired_comment'] = '

' . form::combo( 'post_expired_comment', self::commentCombo(), empty($post_expired['comment']) ? '' : $post_expired['comment'] ) . '

'; $fields['post_expired_trackback'] = '

' . form::combo( 'post_expired_trackback', self::trackbackCombo(), empty($post_expired['trackback']) ? '' : $post_expired['trackback'] ) . '

'; return $fields; } /** * Custom categories combo * * @param record $categories Categories recordset * @return array Categorires combo */ protected static function categoriesCombo(record $categories) { # Getting categories $categories_combo = array( __('Not changed') => '', __('Uncategorized') => '!' ); try { $categories = $GLOBALS['core']->blog->getCategories( array('post_type' => 'post') ); while ($categories->fetch()) { $categories_combo[] = new formSelectOption( str_repeat('  ', $categories->level - 1) . '• '. html::escapeHTML($categories->cat_title), '!'.$categories->cat_id ); } } catch (Exception $e) { return array(); } return $categories_combo; } /** * Custom status combo * * @return array Status combo */ protected static function statusCombo() { return array( __('Not changed') => '', __('Published') => '!1', __('Pending') => '!-2', __('Unpublished') => '!0' ); } /** * Custom selection combo * * @return array Selection combo */ protected static function selectedCombo() { return array( __('Not changed') => '', __('Selected') => '!1', __('Not selected') => '!0' ); } /** * Custom comment status combo * * @return array Comment status combo */ protected static function commentCombo() { return array( __('Not changed') => '', __('Opened') => '!1', __('Closed') => '!0' ); } /** * Custom trackback status combo * * @return array Trackback status combo */ protected static function trackbackCombo() { return array( __('Not changed') => '', __('Opened') => '!1', __('Closed') => '!0' ); } }