con = dcCore::app()->con; $this->table = dcCore::app()->prefix . 'post_option'; $this->blog = dcCore::app()->con->escape(dcCore::app()->blog->id); } public function tableName() { return $this->table; } public function openCursor() { return $this->con->openCursor($this->table); } public function lockTable() { $this->con->writeLock($this->table); } public function unlockTable() { $this->con->unlock(); } public function triggerBlog() { dcCore::app()->blog->triggerBlog(); } public function getWidgets($params, $count_only = false) { if (!isset($params['columns'])) { $params['columns'] = []; } $params['columns'][] = 'option_id'; $params['columns'][] = 'option_creadt'; $params['columns'][] = 'option_upddt'; $params['columns'][] = 'option_type'; $params['columns'][] = 'option_format'; $params['columns'][] = 'option_lang'; $params['columns'][] = 'option_title'; $params['columns'][] = 'option_content'; $params['columns'][] = 'option_content_xhtml'; if (!isset($params['from'])) { $params['from'] = ''; } $params['join'] = 'LEFT JOIN ' . $this->table . ' W ON P.post_id=W.post_id '; if (!isset($params['sql'])) { $params['sql'] = ''; } if (isset($params['option_type'])) { $params['sql'] .= "AND W.option_type = '" . $this->con->escape($params['option_type']) . "' "; } else { $params['sql'] .= "AND W.option_type = 'postwidgettext' "; } unset($params['option_type']); if (!isset($params['post_type'])) { $params['post_type'] = ''; } return dcCore::app()->blog->getPosts($params, $count_only); } public function addWidget($cur) { if (!dcCore::app()->auth->check(dcCore::app()->auth->makePermissions([ dcAuth::PERMISSION_USAGE, dcAuth::PERMISSION_CONTENT_ADMIN, ]), $this->blog)) { throw new Exception(__('You are not allowed to create an entry text widget')); } if ($cur->post_id == '') { throw new Exception('No such entry ID'); return null; } $this->lockTable(); try { $rs = $this->con->select( 'SELECT MAX(option_id) ' . 'FROM ' . $this->table ); $cur->option_id = (int) $rs->f(0) + 1; $cur->option_creadt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $cur->option_upddt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $this->getWidgetContent($cur, $cur->option_id); $cur->insert(); $this->unlockTable(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->unlockTable(); throw $e; } $this->triggerBlog(); return $cur->option_id; } public function updWidget($id, &$cur) { if (!dcCore::app()->auth->check(dcCore::app()->auth->makePermissions([ dcAuth::PERMISSION_USAGE, dcAuth::PERMISSION_CONTENT_ADMIN, ]), $this->blog)) { throw new Exception(__('You are not allowed to update entries text widget')); } $id = (int) $id; if (empty($id)) { throw new Exception(__('No such ID')); } $this->getWidgetContent($cur, $id); $cur->option_upddt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); if (!dcCore::app()->auth->check(dcAuth::PERMISSION_CONTENT_ADMIN, $this->blog)) { $params['option_id'] = $id; $params['user_id'] = $this->con->escape(dcCore::app()->auth->userID()); $params['no_content'] = true; $params['limit'] = 1; $rs = $this->getWidgets($params); if ($rs->isEmpty()) { throw new Exception(__('You are not allowed to delete this entry text widget')); } } $cur->update('WHERE option_id = ' . $id . ' '); $this->triggerBlog(); } public function delWidget($id, $type = 'postwidgettext') { if (!dcCore::app()->auth->check(dcCore::app()->auth->makePermissions([ dcAuth::PERMISSION_DELETE, dcAuth::PERMISSION_CONTENT_ADMIN, ]), $this->blog)) { throw new Exception(__('You are not allowed to delete entries text widget')); } $id = (int) $id; if (empty($id)) { throw new Exception(__('No such ID')); } if (!dcCore::app()->auth->check(dcAuth::PERMISSION_CONTENT_ADMIN, $this->blog)) { $params['option_id'] = $id; $params['user_id'] = $this->con->escape(dcCore::app()->auth->userID()); $params['no_content'] = true; $params['limit'] = 1; $rs = $this->getWidgets($params); if ($rs->isEmpty()) { throw new Exception(__('You are not allowed to delete this entry text widget')); } } $this->con->execute( 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->table . ' ' . 'WHERE option_id = ' . $id . ' ' . "AND option_type = '" . $this->con->escape($type) . "' " ); $this->triggerBlog(); } private function getWidgetContent(&$cur, $option_id) { $option_content = $cur->option_content; $option_content_xhtml = $cur->option_content_xhtml; $this->setWidgetContent( $option_id, $cur->option_format, $cur->option_lang, $option_content, $option_content_xhtml ); $cur->option_content = $option_content; $cur->option_content_xhtml = $option_content_xhtml; } public function setWidgetContent($option_id, $format, $lang, &$content, &$content_xhtml) { if ($format == 'wiki') { dcCore::app()->initWikiPost(); dcCore::app()->wiki2xhtml->setOpt('note_prefix', 'wnote-' . $option_id); if (strpos($lang, 'fr') === 0) { dcCore::app()->wiki2xhtml->setOpt('active_fr_syntax', 1); } } if ($content) { $content_xhtml = dcCore::app()->callFormater($format, $content); $content_xhtml = dcCore::app()->HTMLfilter($content_xhtml); } else { $content_xhtml = ''; } $excerpt = $excerpt_xhtml = ''; # --BEHAVIOR-- coreAfterPostContentFormat dcCore::app()->callBehavior('coreAfterPostContentFormat', [ 'excerpt' => &$excerpt, 'content' => &$content, 'excerpt_xhtml' => &$excerpt_xhtml, 'content_xhtml' => &$content_xhtml ]); } }