translater = $translater; $this->id = $define->get('id'); $this->type = $define->get('type'); $this->name = $define->get('name'); $this->author = $define->get('author'); $this->version = $define->get('version'); $this->root_writable = $define->get('root_writable'); $this->root = (string) path::real($define->get('root'), false); $this->locales = $this->root . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . My::LOCALES_FOLDER; } /// @name backup methods //@{ /** * Find backup folder of a module * * @param boolean $throw Silently failed * @return string|false The backup folder directory or false */ public function getBackupRoot(bool $throw = false): string|false { $dir = false; switch ($this->translater->backup_folder) { case 'module': if ($this->root_writable) { $dir = $this->locales; } break; case 'plugin': $exp = explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, DC_PLUGINS_ROOT); $tmp = path::real(array_pop($exp)); if ($tmp !== false && is_writable($tmp)) { $dir = $tmp; } break; case 'public': $tmp = path::real((string) dcCore::app()->blog?->public_path); if ($tmp !== false && is_writable($tmp)) { $dir = $tmp; } break; case 'cache': $tmp = path::real(DC_TPL_CACHE); if ($tmp !== false && is_writable($tmp)) { @mkDir($tmp . '/l10n'); $dir = $tmp . '/l10n'; } break; case 'translater': $tmp = path::real(dcCore::app()->plugins->moduleRoot(My::id())); if ($tmp !== false && is_writable($tmp)) { @mkDir($tmp . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . My::LOCALES_FOLDER); $dir = $tmp . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . My::LOCALES_FOLDER; } break; } if (!$dir && $throw) { throw new Exception(sprintf( __('Failed to find backups folder for module %s'), $this->id )); } return $dir; } /** * Get a list of available backups * * @param boolean $return_filename Return only filenames * @return array The module backups info */ public function getBackups(bool $return_filename = false): array { $backup = $this->getBackupRoot(); if (!$backup) { return []; } $res = []; $files = Translater::scandir($backup); foreach ($files as $file) { $is_backup = preg_match(sprintf($this->backup_file_regexp, preg_quote($this->id)), $file, $m); if (is_dir($backup . '/' . $file) || !$is_backup || !l10n::isCode($m[1]) ) { continue; } if ($return_filename) { $res[] = $file; } else { $res[$m[1]][$file]['code'] = $m[1]; $res[$m[1]][$file]['name'] = l10n::getLanguageName($m[1]); $res[$m[1]][$file]['path'] = path::info($backup . '/' . $file); $res[$m[1]][$file]['time'] = filemtime($backup . '/' . $file); $res[$m[1]][$file]['size'] = filesize($backup . '/' . $file); $res[$m[1]][$file]['module'] = $this->id; } } return $res; } /** * Create a backup * * @param string $lang The backup lang * @return boolean True on success */ public function createBackup(string $lang): bool { $backup = $this->getBackupRoot(true); if (!$backup) { return false; } $dir = $this->locales . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $lang; if (!is_dir($dir)) { throw new Exception(sprintf( __('Failed to find language %s'), $lang )); } $res = []; $files = Translater::scandir($dir); foreach ($files as $file) { if (!is_dir($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file) && (Translater::isLangphpFile($file) || Translater::isPoFile($file)) ) { $res[$dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file] = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [$this->locales, $lang, $file]); } } if (!empty($res)) { Translater::isBackupLimit($this->id, $backup, $this->translater->backup_limit, true); @set_time_limit(300); $fp = fopen($backup . '/l10n-' . $this->id . '-' . $lang . '-' . time() . '', 'wb'); $zip = new fileZip($fp); foreach ($res as $from => $to) { $zip->addFile($from, $to); } $zip->write(); $zip->close(); unset($zip); return true; } return false; } /** * Retore a backup * * @param string $file The backup filename * @return boolean True on success */ public function restoreBackup(string $file): bool { $backup = self::getBackupRoot(true); if (!file_exists($backup . '/' . $file)) { throw new Exception(sprintf( __('Failed to find file %s'), $file )); } $zip = new fileUnzip($backup . '/' . $file); $zip_files = $zip->getFilesList(); foreach ($zip_files as $zip_file) { $f = $this->parseZipFilename($zip_file, true); $zip->unzip($zip_file, implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [$this->locales, $f['lang'], $f['group'] . $f['ext']])); $done = true; } $zip->close(); unset($zip); return true; } /** * Delete a module backup * * @param string $file The backup filename * @return boolean True on success */ public function deleteBackup(string $file): bool { $backup = $this->getBackupRoot(true); $is_backup = preg_match(sprintf($this->backup_file_regexp, preg_quote($this->id)), $file, $m); if (!file_exists($backup . '/' . $file) || !$is_backup || !l10n::isCode($m[1]) ) { return false; } if (!files::isDeletable($backup . '/' . $file)) { throw new Exception(sprintf( __('Failed to delete file %s'), $file )); } unlink($backup . '/' . $file); return true; } /** * Import a language pack * * @param array $zip_file The uploaded file info * @return boolean True on success */ public function importPack(array $zip_file): bool { files::uploadStatus($zip_file); $imported = false; $not_overwrited = []; $res = []; # Load Unzip object $zip = new fileUnzip($zip_file['tmp_name']); $files = $zip->getFilesList(); foreach ($files as $file) { $f = $this->parseZipFilename($file, true); if (!$this->translater->import_overwrite && file_exists(implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [$this->locales, $f['lang'], $f['group'] . $f['ext']])) ) { $not_overwrited[] = implode('-', [$f['lang'], $f['group'], $f['ext']]); continue; } $res[] = [ 'from' => $file, 'root' => implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [$this->locales, $f['lang']]), 'to' => implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [$this->locales, $f['lang'], $f['group'] . $f['ext']]), ]; } foreach ($res as $rs) { if (!is_dir($rs['root'])) { files::makeDir($rs['root'], true); } $zip->unzip($rs['from'], $rs['to']); $imported = true; } $zip->close(); unlink($zip_file['tmp_name']); if (!empty($not_overwrited)) { throw new Exception(sprintf( __('Some languages has not been overwrited %s'), implode(', ', $not_overwrited) )); } elseif (!$imported) { throw new Exception(sprintf( __('Nothing to import from %s'), $zip_file['name'] )); } return true; } /** * Export (to output) language pack * * @param array $langs Langs to export */ public function exportPack(array $langs): void { if (empty($langs)) { throw new Exception( __('Nothing to export') ); } $filename = files::tidyFileName($this->translater->export_filename); if (empty($filename)) { throw new Exception( __('Export mask is not set in plugin configuration') ); } $res = []; foreach ($langs as $lang) { if (!is_dir($this->locales . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $lang)) { continue; } $files = Translater::scandir($this->locales . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $lang); foreach ($files as $file) { if (is_dir(implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [$this->locales, $lang, $file])) || !Translater::isLangphpFile($file) && !Translater::isPoFile($file) ) { continue; } $res[implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [$this->locales, $lang, $file])] = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [$this->locales, $lang, $file]); } } if (empty($res)) { throw new Exception( __('Nothing to export') ); } @set_time_limit(300); $fp = fopen('php://output', 'wb'); $zip = new fileZip($fp); foreach ($res as $from => $to) { $zip->addFile($from, $to); } $filename = files::tidyFileName(dt::str(str_replace( ['timestamp', 'module', 'type', 'version'], [time(), $this->id, $this->type, $this->version], $this->translater->export_filename ))); header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=' . $filename . '.zip'); header('Content-Type: application/x-zip'); $zip->write(); unset($zip); exit; } /** * Parse zip filename to module, lang info * * @param string $file The zip filename * @param boolean $throw Silently failed * @return array Array of file info */ public function parseZipFilename(string $file = '', bool $throw = false): array { $is_file = preg_match('/^(.*?)\/' . preg_quote(My::LOCALES_FOLDER) . '\/(.*?)\/(.*?)(.po|.lang.php)$/', $file, $f); if ($is_file) { $module = $f[1] == $this->id ? $f[1] : false; $lang = l10n::isCode($f[2]) ? $f[2] : false; $group = in_array($f[3], My::l10nGroupsCombo()) ? $f[3] : false; $ext = Translater::isLangphpFile($f[4]) || Translater::isPoFile($f[4]) ? $f[4] : false; } if (!$is_file || !$module || !$lang || !$group || !$ext) { if ($throw) { throw new Exception(sprintf( __('Zip file %s is not in translater format'), $file )); } return []; } return [ 'module' => $module, 'lang' => $lang, 'group' => $group, 'ext' => $ext, ]; } //@} /// @name lang methods //@{ /** * List available langs of a module * * @param boolean $return_path Return path or name * @return array The lang list */ public function getLangs(bool $return_path = false): array { $res = []; $prefix = preg_match('/(' . preg_quote(My::LOCALES_FOLDER) . '(.*))$/', $this->locales) ? My::LOCALES_FOLDER : ''; $files = Translater::scandir($this->locales); foreach ($files as $file) { if (!preg_match('/.*?' . preg_quote(My::LOCALES_FOLDER) . '\/([^\/]*?)\/([^\/]*?)(.lang.php|.po)$/', $prefix . $file, $m)) { continue; } if (!l10n::isCode($m[1])) { continue; } if ($return_path) { $res[$m[1]][] = $file; // Path } else { $res[$m[1]] = l10n::getLanguageName($m[1]); // Lang name } } return $res; } /** * List of used langs of a module * * @return array The list of iso names and codes */ public function getUsedLangs(): array { return array_flip($this->getLangs()); } /** * List of unsused langs of a module * * @return array The list of iso names and codes */ public function getUnusedLangs(): array { return array_diff(l10n::getISOcodes(true, false), $this->getUsedLangs()); } /** * Add a lang to a module * * @param string $lang The lang id * @param string $from_lang The lang to copy from * @return boolean True on success */ public function addLang(string $lang, string $from_lang = ''): bool { if (!l10n::isCode($lang)) { throw new Exception(sprintf( __('Unknow language %s'), $lang )); } $langs = $this->getLangs(); if (isset($langs[$lang])) { throw new Exception(sprintf( __('Language %s already exists'), $lang )); } files::makeDir($this->locales . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $lang, true); if (!empty($from_lang) && !isset($langs[$from_lang])) { throw new Exception(sprintf( __('Failed to copy file from language %s'), $from_lang )); } if (!empty($from_lang) && isset($langs[$from_lang])) { $files = Translater::scandir($this->locales . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $from_lang); foreach ($files as $file) { if (is_dir(implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [$this->locales, $from_lang, $file])) || !Translater::isLangphpFile($file) && !Translater::isPoFile($file) ) { continue; } files::putContent( implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [$this->locales, $lang, $file]), (string) file_get_contents(implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [$this->locales, $from_lang, $file])) ); } } else { $this->setPoContent($lang, 'main', []); $this->setLangphpContent($lang, 'main', []); } return true; } /** * Update an existing lang * * @param string $lang The lang * @param array $msgs The messages */ public function updLang(string $lang, array $msgs): void { if (!l10n::isCode($lang)) { throw new Exception(sprintf( __('Unknow language %s'), $lang )); } $langs = $this->getLangs(); if (!isset($langs[$lang])) { throw new Exception(sprintf( __('Failed to find language %s'), $lang )); } if ($this->translater->backup_auto) { $this->createBackup($lang); } $rs = []; foreach ($msgs as $msg) { if (empty($msg['msgstr'][0])) { continue; } $rs[$msg['group']][] = $msg; } foreach (My::l10nGroupsCombo() as $group) { if (isset($rs[$group])) { continue; } $po_file = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [$this->locales, $lang, $group . '.po']); $langphp_file = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [$this->locales, $lang, $group . '.lang.php']); if (file_exists($po_file)) { unlink($po_file); } if (file_exists($langphp_file)) { unlink($langphp_file); } } if (empty($rs)) { throw new Exception(sprintf( __('No string to write, language %s deleted'), $lang )); } foreach ($rs as $group => $msgs) { $group = (string) $group; $this->setPoContent($lang, $group, $msgs); $this->setLangphpContent($lang, $group, $msgs); } } /** * Delete a lang * * @param string $lang The lang code * @param boolean $del_empty_dir Also remove empty locales dir * @return boolean True on success */ public function delLang(string $lang, bool $del_empty_dir = true): bool { # Path is right formed if (!l10n::isCode($lang)) { throw new Exception(sprintf( __('Unknow language %s'), $lang )); } $files = $this->getLangs(true); if (!isset($files[$lang])) { throw new Exception(sprintf( __('Failed to find language %s'), $lang )); } foreach ($files[$lang] as $file) { unlink($this->locales . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file); } $dir = Translater::scandir($this->locales . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $lang); if (empty($dir)) { rmdir($this->locales . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $lang); } $loc = Translater::scandir($this->locales); if (empty($loc)) { rmdir($this->locales); } return true; } /** * Construct and parse a .po file * * @param string $lang The lang code * @param string $group The lang group * @param array $msgs The strings */ private function setPoContent(string $lang, string $group, array $msgs): void { $lang = new TranslaterLang($this, $lang); $content = ''; if ($this->translater->parse_comment) { $content .= '# Language: ' . $lang->name . "\n" . '# Module: ' . $this->id . ' - ' . $this->version . "\n" . '# Date: ' . dt::str('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') . "\n"; if ($this->translater->parse_user && $this->translater->parse_userinfo != '') { $search = My::defaultUserInformations(); $replace = []; foreach ($search as $n) { $replace[] = dcCore::app()->auth?->getInfo('user_' . $n); } $info = trim(str_replace($search, $replace, $this->translater->parse_userinfo)); if (!empty($info)) { $content .= '# Author: ' . html::escapeHTML($info) . "\n"; } } $content .= '# Translated with translater ' . dcCore::app()->plugins->moduleInfo(My::id(), 'version') . "\n\n"; } $content .= "msgid \"\"\n" . "msgstr \"\"\n" . '"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"' . "\n" . '"Project-Id-Version: ' . $this->id . ' ' . $this->version . '\n"' . "\n" . '"POT-Creation-Date: \n"' . "\n" . '"PO-Revision-Date: ' . date('c') . '\n"' . "\n" . '"Last-Translator: ' . dcCore::app()->auth?->getInfo('user_cn') . '\n"' . "\n" . '"Language-Team: \n"' . "\n" . '"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"' . "\n" . '"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"' . "\n" . '"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"' . "\n\n"; $comments = []; if ($this->translater->parse_comment) { $msgids = $lang->getMsgids(); foreach ($msgids as $msg) { $comments[$msg['msgid']] = ($comments[$msg['msgid']] ?? '') . '#: ' . trim($msg['file'], '/') . ':' . $msg['line'] . "\n"; } } foreach ($msgs as $msg) { if (empty($msg['msgstr'][0])) { continue; } if ($this->translater->parse_comment && isset($comments[$msg['msgid']])) { $content .= $comments[$msg['msgid']]; } $content .= 'msgid "' . Translater::poString($msg['msgid'], true) . '"' . "\n"; if (empty($msg['msgid_plural'])) { $content .= 'msgstr "' . Translater::poString($msg['msgstr'][0], true) . '"' . "\n"; } else { $content .= 'msgid_plural "' . Translater::poString($msg['msgid_plural'], true) . '"' . "\n"; foreach ($msg['msgstr'] as $i => $plural) { $content .= 'msgstr[' . $i . '] "' . Translater::poString(($msg['msgstr'][$i] ?: ''), true) . '"' . "\n"; } } $content .= "\n"; } $file = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [$this->locales, $lang->code, $group . '.po']); $path = path::info($file); if (is_dir($path['dirname']) && !is_writable($path['dirname']) || file_exists($file) && !is_writable($file)) { throw new Exception(sprintf( __('Failed to grant write acces on file %s'), $file )); } if (!($f = @files::putContent($file, $content))) { throw new Exception(sprintf( __('Failed to write file %s'), $file )); } } /** * Construct and write a .lang.php file * * @param string $lang The lang code * @param string $group The lang group * @param array $msgs The strings */ private function setLangphpContent(string $lang, string $group, array $msgs): void { if (!$this->translater->write_langphp) { return; } $lang = new TranslaterLang($this, $lang); $content = ''; if ($this->translater->parse_comment) { $content .= '// Language: ' . $lang->name . "\n" . '// Module: ' . $this->id . ' - ' . $this->version . "\n" . '// Date: ' . dt::str('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') . "\n"; if ($this->translater->parse_user && !empty($this->translater->parse_userinfo)) { $search = My::defaultUserInformations(); $replace = []; foreach ($search as $n) { $replace[] = dcCore::app()->auth?->getInfo('user_' . $n); } $info = trim(str_replace($search, $replace, $this->translater->parse_userinfo)); if (!empty($info)) { $content .= '// Author: ' . html::escapeHTML($info) . "\n"; } } $content .= '// Translated with Translater - ' . dcCore::app()->plugins->moduleInfo(My::id(), 'version') . "\n\n"; } l10n::generatePhpFileFromPo(implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [$this->locales, $lang->code, $group]), $content); } //@} }