rs->isEmpty()) { echo (new Text( 'p', $filter->show() ? __('No entries matches the filter') : __('No entries') )) ->class('info') ->render(); return; } $page = is_numeric($filter->value('page')) ? (int) $filter->value('page') : 1; $nbpp = is_numeric($filter->value('nb')) ? (int) $filter->value('nb') : 10; $count = (int) $this->rs_count; $pager = new Pager($page, $count, $nbpp, 10); $pager->base_url = $base_url; $cols = new ArrayObject([ 'title' => (new Text('th', __('Title'))) ->class('first') ->extra('colspan="2"'), 'date' => (new Text('th', __('Date'))) ->extra('scope="col"'), 'author' => (new Text('th', __('Author'))) ->extra('scope="col"'), 'category' => (new Text('th', __('Category'))) ->extra('scope="col"'), 'status' => (new Text('th', __('Status'))) ->extra('scope="col"'), ]); $this->userColumns(My::id() . 'posts', $cols); $lines = []; while ($this->rs->fetch()) { $lines[] = $this->line(isset($_POST['entries']) && in_array($this->rs->post_id, $_POST['entries'])); } echo $pager->getLinks() . sprintf( $enclose_block, (new Div()) ->class('table-outer') ->items([ (new Para(null, 'table')) ->items([ (new Text( 'caption', $filter->show() ? sprintf(__('List of %s entries matching the filter.'), $this->rs_count) : sprintf(__('List of entries. (%s)'), $this->rs_count) )), (new Para(null, 'tr')) ->items(iterator_to_array($cols)), (new Para(null, 'tbody')) ->items($lines), ]), ]) ->render() ) . $pager->getLinks(); } private function line(bool $checked): Para { $cat_title = (new Text('', __('None'))); if ($this->rs->cat_title && App::auth()->check(App::auth()->makePermissions([App::auth()::PERMISSION_CATEGORIES]), App::blog()->id()) ) { $cat_title = (new Link()) ->href('category.php?id=' . $this->rs->cat_id) ->title(Html::escapeHTML(__('Edit category'))) ->text(Html::escapeHTML($this->rs->cat_title)); } switch ($this->rs->post_status) { case 1: $img_title = __('Published'); $img_src = 'check-on.png'; $sts_class = ' sts-online'; break; case -1: $img_title = __('Scheduled'); $img_src = 'scheduled.png'; $sts_class = ' sts-scheduled'; break; case -2: $img_title = __('Pending'); $img_src = 'check-wrn.png'; $sts_class = ' sts-pending'; break; default: $img_title = __('Unpublished'); $img_src = 'check-off.png'; $sts_class = ' sts-offline'; break; } $cols = new ArrayObject([ 'check' => (new Para(null, 'td')) ->class('nowrap minimal') ->items([ (new Checkbox(['entries[]'], $checked)) ->value($this->rs->post_id) ->disabled(!$this->rs->isEditable()), ]), 'title' => (new Para(null, 'td')) ->class('maximal') ->items([ (new Link()) ->href(App::postTypes()->getPostAdminURL($this->rs->post_type, $this->rs->post_id)) ->title(Html::escapeHTML($this->rs->getURL())) ->text(Html::escapeHTML(trim(Html::clean($this->rs->post_title)))), ]), 'date' => (new Text('td', Date::dt2str(__('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), $this->rs->post_dt))) ->class('nowrap count'), 'author' => (new Text('td', Html::escapeHTML($this->rs->user_id))) ->class('nowrap'), 'category' => (new Para(null, 'td')) ->class('nowrap') ->items([$cat_title]), 'status' => (new Para(null, 'td')) ->class('nowrap status') ->items([ (new Text('img', '')) ->title($img_title) ->extra('src="images/' . $img_src . '"'), ]), ]); $this->userColumns(My::id() . 'posts', $cols); return (new Para('p' . $this->rs->post_id, 'tr')) ->class('line' . ($this->rs->post_status != 1 ? ' offline ' : '') . $sts_class) ->items(iterator_to_array($cols)); } }