rs->isEmpty()) { if ($filter) { echo '

' . __('No feeds matches the filter') . '

'; } else { echo '

' . __('No feeds') . '

'; } } else { $this->zc = new zoneclearFeedServer(); $pager = new dcPager($page, $this->rs_count, $nb_per_page, 10); $entries = []; if (isset($_REQUEST['feeds'])) { foreach ($_REQUEST['feeds'] as $v) { $entries[(int) $v] = true; } } $html_block = '
' . '' . ''; $cols = [ 'title' => '', 'desc' => '', 'period' => '', 'update' => '', 'entries' => '', 'status' => '', ]; $cols = new ArrayObject($cols); dcCore::app()->callBehavior('adminZcfsFeedsListHeader', $this->rs, $cols); $this->userColumns('zcfs_feeds', $cols); $html_block .= '' . implode(iterator_to_array($cols)) . '%s
' . ( $filter ? sprintf(__('List of %s feeds matching the filter.'), $this->rs_count) : sprintf(__('List of feeds (%s)'), $this->rs_count) ) . '
' . __('Name') . '' . __('Feed') . '' . __('Frequency') . '' . __('Last update') . '' . __('Entries') . '' . __('Status') . '
'; if ($enclose_block) { $html_block = sprintf($enclose_block, $html_block); } echo $pager->getLinks(); $blocks = explode('%s', $html_block); echo $blocks[0]; while ($this->rs->fetch()) { echo $this->feedsLine(isset($entries[$this->rs->feed_id])); } echo $blocks[1]; echo $blocks[2]; echo $pager->getLinks(); } } private function feedsLine($checked) { $combo_status = zoneclearFeedServer::getAllStatus(); $combo_upd_int = zoneclearFeedServer::getAllUpdateInterval(); $status = $this->rs->feed_status ? 'enable' : 'disable'; $entries_count = $this->zc->getPostsByFeed(['feed_id' => $this->rs->feed_id], true)->f(0); $shunk_feed = $this->rs->feed_feed; if (strlen($shunk_feed) > 83) { $shunk_feed = substr($shunk_feed, 0, 50) . '...' . substr($shunk_feed, -20); } $url = 'plugin.php?p=zoneclearFeedServer&part=feed&feed_id=' . $this->rs->feed_id; $cols = [ 'check' => '' . form::checkbox(['feeds[]'], $this->rs->feed_id, ['checked' => $checked]) . '', 'title' => '' . '' . html::escapeHTML($this->rs->feed_name) . '' . '', 'desc' => '' . '' . html::escapeHTML($shunk_feed) . '' . '', 'period' => '' . array_search($this->rs->feed_upd_int, $combo_upd_int) . '', 'update' => '' . ( $this->rs->feed_upd_last < 1 ? __('never') : dt::str(__('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), (int) $this->rs->feed_upd_last, dcCore::app()->auth->getInfo('user_tz')) ) . '', 'entries' => '' . ( $entries_count ? '' . $entries_count . '' : $entries_count ) . '', 'status' => '' . $status . '', ]; $cols = new ArrayObject($cols); dcCore::app()->callBehavior('adminZcfsFeedsListValue', $this->rs, $cols); $this->userColumns('zcfs_feeds', $cols); return '' . implode(iterator_to_array($cols)) . ''; } } /** * @ingroup DC_PLUGIN_ZONECLEARFEEDSERVER * @brief Feeds server - Posts list methods * @since 2.6 * @see adminGenericList for more info */ class zcfsEntriesList extends adminGenericList { public function display($page, $nb_per_page, $base_url, $enclose_block = '', $filter = false) { if ($this->rs->isEmpty()) { echo '

' . ( $filter ? __('No entries matches the filter') : __('No entries') ) . '

'; } else { $pager = new dcPager($page, $this->rs_count, $nb_per_page, 10); $pager->base_url = $base_url; $entries = []; if (isset($_REQUEST['feeds'])) { foreach ($_REQUEST['feeds'] as $v) { $entries[(int) $v] = true; } } $html_block = '
' . '' . ''; $cols = [ 'title' => '', 'date' => '', 'author' => '', 'category' => '', 'status' => '', ]; $cols = new ArrayObject($cols); dcCore::app()->callBehavior('adminZcfsPostListHeader', $this->rs, $cols); $this->userColumns('zcfs_entries', $cols); $html_block .= '' . implode(iterator_to_array($cols)) . '%s
' . ( $filter ? sprintf(__('List of %s entries matching the filter.'), $this->rs_count) : sprintf(__('List of entries (%s)'), $this->rs_count) ) . '
' . __('Title') . '' . __('Date') . '' . __('Author') . '' . __('Category') . '' . __('Status') . '
'; if ($enclose_block) { $html_block = sprintf($enclose_block, $html_block); } echo $pager->getLinks(); $blocks = explode('%s', $html_block); echo $blocks[0]; while ($this->rs->fetch()) { echo $this->postLine(); } echo $blocks[1]; echo $pager->getLinks(); } } private function postLine() { $cat_link = dcCore::app()->auth->check(dcAuth::PERMISSION_CATEGORIES, dcCore::app()->blog->id) ? '%s' : '%2$s'; $cat_title = $this->rs->cat_title ? sprintf($cat_link, $this->rs->cat_id, html::escapeHTML($this->rs->cat_title)) : __('None'); $img = '%1$s'; $img_status = ''; $sts_class = ''; switch ($this->rs->post_status) { case 1: $img_status = sprintf($img, __('Published'), 'check-on.png'); $sts_class = 'sts-online'; break; case 0: $img_status = sprintf($img, __('Unpublished'), 'check-off.png'); $sts_class = 'sts-offline'; break; case -1: $img_status = sprintf($img, __('Scheduled'), 'scheduled.png'); $sts_class = 'sts-scheduled'; break; case -2: $img_status = sprintf($img, __('Pending'), 'check-wrn.png'); $sts_class = 'sts-pending'; break; } $res = ''; $cols = [ 'check' => '' . form::checkbox(['entries[]'], $this->rs->post_id, '', '', '', !$this->rs->isEditable()) . '', 'title' => '' . html::escapeHTML(trim(html::clean($this->rs->post_title))) . '', 'date' => '' . dt::dt2str(__('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), $this->rs->post_dt) . '', 'author' => '' . html::escapeHTML($this->rs->user_id) . '', 'category' => '' . $cat_title . '', 'status' => '' . $img_status . '', ]; $cols = new ArrayObject($cols); dcCore::app()->callBehavior('adminZcfsPostListValue', $this->rs, $cols); $this->userColumns('zcfs_entries', $cols); $res .= implode(iterator_to_array($cols)); $res .= ''; return $res; } } /** * @ingroup DC_PLUGIN_ZONECLEARFEEDSERVER * @brief Feeds server - Posts list filters methods * @since 2.20 * @see adminGenericFilter for more info */ class adminZcfsPostFilter extends adminGenericFilter { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(dcCore::app(), 'zcfs_entries'); $filters = new arrayObject([ dcAdminFilters::getPageFilter(), $this->getPostUserFilter(), $this->getPostCategoriesFilter(), $this->getPostStatusFilter(), $this->getPostMonthFilter(), ]); # --BEHAVIOR-- adminPostFilter dcCore::app()->callBehavior('adminZcfsPostFilter', $filters); $filters = $filters->getArrayCopy(); $this->add($filters); } /** * Posts users select */ public function getPostUserFilter(): ?dcAdminFilter { $users = null; try { $users = dcCore::app()->blog->getPostsUsers(); if ($users->isEmpty()) { return null; } } catch (Exception $e) { dcCore::app()->error->add($e->getMessage()); return null; } $combo = dcAdminCombos::getUsersCombo($users); dcUtils::lexicalKeySort($combo); return (new dcAdminFilter('user_id')) ->param() ->title(__('Author:')) ->options(array_merge( ['-' => ''], $combo )) ->prime(true); } /** * Posts categories select */ public function getPostCategoriesFilter(): ?dcAdminFilter { $categories = null; try { $categories = dcCore::app()->blog->getCategories(); if ($categories->isEmpty()) { return null; } } catch (Exception $e) { dcCore::app()->error->add($e->getMessage()); return null; } $combo = [ '-' => '', __('(No cat)') => 'NULL', ]; while ($categories->fetch()) { $combo[ str_repeat(' ', ($categories->level - 1) * 4) . html::escapeHTML($categories->cat_title) . ' (' . $categories->nb_post . ')' ] = $categories->cat_id; } return (new dcAdminFilter('cat_id')) ->param() ->title(__('Category:')) ->options($combo) ->prime(true); } /** * Posts status select */ public function getPostStatusFilter(): dcAdminFilter { return (new dcAdminFilter('status')) ->param('post_status') ->title(__('Status:')) ->options(array_merge( ['-' => ''], dcAdminCombos::getPostStatusesCombo() )); } /** * Posts by month select */ public function getPostMonthFilter(): ?dcAdminFilter { $dates = null; try { $dates = dcCore::app()->blog->getDates(['type' => 'month']); if ($dates->isEmpty()) { return null; } } catch (Exception $e) { dcCore::app()->error->add($e->getMessage()); return null; } return (new dcAdminFilter('month')) ->param('post_month', function ($f) { return substr($f[0], 4, 2); }) ->param('post_year', function ($f) { return substr($f[0], 0, 4); }) ->title(__('Month:')) ->options(array_merge( ['-' => ''], dcAdminCombos::getDatesCombo($dates) )); } }