2015-07-20 01:17:56 +02:00

747 lines
18 KiB

# -- BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ----------------------------------
# This file is part of zoneclearFeedServer, a plugin for Dotclear 2.
# Copyright (c) 2009-2015 Jean-Christian Denis and contributors
# Licensed under the GPL version 2.0 license.
# A copy of this license is available in LICENSE file or at
# -- END LICENSE BLOCK ------------------------------------
if (!defined('DC_RC_PATH')) {
return null;
# Namespace for settings
$s = $core->blog->settings->zoneclearFeedServer;
# Widgets
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/_widgets.php';
array('zcfsPublicBehaviors', 'coreBlogGetPosts')
if (!$s->zoneclearFeedServer_active) {
return null;
if (1 == $s->zoneclearFeedServer_bhv_pub_upd) {
array('zcfsPublicBehaviors', 'publicDocument')
elseif (2 == $s->zoneclearFeedServer_bhv_pub_upd) {
array('zcfsPublicBehaviors', 'publicAfterDocument')
elseif (3 == $s->zoneclearFeedServer_bhv_pub_upd) {
array('zcfsPublicBehaviors', 'publicHeadContent')
# Take care about tweakurls (thanks Mathieu M.)
if (version_compare($core->plugins->moduleInfo('tweakurls', 'version'), '0.8', '>=')) {
array('zoneclearFeedServer', 'tweakurlsAfterPostCreate')
# Register tempalte blocks
$tpl_blocks = array(
foreach($tpl_blocks as $v) {
$core->tpl->addBlock('zc'.$v, array('zcfsTemplate', $v));
# Register tempalte values
$tpl_values = array(
foreach($tpl_values as $v) {
$core->tpl->addValue('zc'.$v, array('zcfsTemplate', $v));
* @brief Mix your blog with a feeds planet - public methods.
* @since 2.6
class zcfsPublicBehaviors
* Remember others post extension.
* @param record $rs record instance
public static function coreBlogGetPosts(record $rs)
$GLOBALS['beforeZcFeedRsExt'] = $rs->extensions();
* Update feeds after contents.
* @param dcCore $core dcCore instance
* @return string Document
public static function publicAfterDocument(dcCore $core)
# Limit feeds update to home page et feed page
# Like publishScheduledEntries
if (!in_array($core->url->type, array('default', 'feed'))) {
return null;
* Generic behavior for before and after public content.
* @param dcCore $core dcCore instance
* @return null NULL
public static function publicDocument(dcCore $core)
$zc = new zoneclearFeedServer($core);
return null;
* Update feeds by an Ajax request (background).
* @param dcCore $core dcCore instance
* @param context $_ctx context instance
* @return string HTML content
public static function publicHeadContent(dcCore $core, context $_ctx)
# Limit update to home page
if ($core->url->type != 'default') {
return null;
$blog_url = html::escapeJS(
$blog_id = html::escapeJS($core->blog->id);
"\n<!-- JS for zoneclearFeedServer --> \n".
"<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"".
"</script> \n".
"<script type=\"text/javascript\"> \n".
" \$(function(){if(!document.getElementById){return;} ".
" $('body').zoneclearFeedServer({blog_url:'".
$blog_url."',blog_id:'".$blog_id."'}); ".
" })\n".
* @brief Mix your blog with a feeds planet - rs methods.
* @since 2.6
class zcfsRsExtPosts extends rsExtPost
* Get feed meta.
* @param record $rs record instance
* @param string $info Feed info key
* @return string Feed info value
public static function zcFeed($rs, $info)
$p = array(
'post_id' => $rs->post_id,
'meta_type' => 'zoneclearfeed_'.$info,
'limit' => 1
$meta = $rs->core->meta->getMetadata($p);
return $meta->isEmpty() ? null : $meta->meta_id;
* Call other rs extension.
* @param string $type Type of extension
* @param array $args Arguments
* @return mixed record extension ressource
public static function zcFeedBrother($type, $args)
if (!empty($GLOBALS['beforeZcFeedRsExt'][$type])) {
$func = $GLOBALS['beforeZcFeedRsExt'][$type];
elseif (is_callable('rsExtPostPublic', $type)) {
$func = array('rsExtPostPublic', $type);
else {
$func = array('rsExtPost', $type);
return call_user_func_array($func, $args);
* Get author link from post to feed.
* @param record $rs record instance
* @return string Author link
public static function getAuthorLink($rs)
$author = $rs->zcFeed('author');
$site = $rs->zcFeed('site');
$sitename = $rs->zcFeed('sitename');
return ($author && $sitename) ?
$author.' (<a href="'.$site.'">'.$sitename.'</a>)' :
self::zcFeedBrother('getAuthorLink', array(&$rs));
* Get author CN from post to feed.
* @param record $rs record instance
* @return string Author CN
public static function getAuthorCN($rs)
$author = $rs->zcFeed('author');
return $author ?
$author :
self::zcFeedBrother('getAuthorCN', array(&$rs));
* Get post link from post to feed.
* @param record $rs record instance
* @return string Post link
public static function getURL($rs)
$url = $rs->zcFeed('url');
$types = @unserialize($rs->core->blog->settings->zoneclearFeedServer->zoneclearFeedServer_post_title_redir);
$full = is_array($types) && in_array($rs->core->url->type, $types);
return $url && $full ?
zoneclearFeedServer::absoluteURL($rs->zcFeed('site'), $url) :
self::zcFeedBrother('getURL', array(&$rs));
* Get post content from post to feed.
* @param record $rs record instance
* @return string Post content
public static function getContent($rs, $absolute_urls=false)
$url = $rs->zcFeed('url');
$sitename = $rs->zcFeed('sitename');
$content = self::zcFeedBrother('getContent', array(&$rs,$absolute_urls));
if ($url && $sitename && $rs->post_type == 'post') {
$types = @unserialize($rs->core->blog->settings->zoneclearFeedServer->zoneclearFeedServer_post_full_tpl);
if (is_array($types) && in_array($rs->core->url->type, $types)) {
return $content .
'<p class="zoneclear-original"><em>'.
sprintf(__('Original post on <a href="%s">%s</a>'), $url, $sitename).
else {
$content = context::remove_html($content);
$content = context::cut_string($content,350);
$content = html::escapeHTML($content);
'<p>'.$content.'... '.
'<em><a href="'.self::getURL($rs).'" title="'.
__('Read more details about this feed').
'">'.__('Continue reading').'</a></em></p>';
else {
return $content;
* @brief Mix your blog with a feeds planet - url handler methods.
* @since 2.6
class zcfsUrlHandler extends dcUrlHandlers
* Feeds source page and update methods.
* @param array $args Page arguments
* @return mixed
public static function zcFeedsPage($args)
global $core, $_ctx;
$s = $core->blog->settings->zoneclearFeedServer;
# Not active
if (!$s->zoneclearFeedServer_active) {
return null;
# Update feeds (from ajax or other post resquest)
if ($args == '/zcfsupd'
&& 3 == $s->zoneclearFeedServer_bhv_pub_upd
) {
$msg = '';
if (!empty($_POST['blogId'])
&& html::escapeJS($core->blog->id) == $_POST['blogId']
) {
try {
$zc = new zoneclearFeedServer($core);
if ($zc->checkFeedsUpdate()) {
$msg = '<status>ok</status><message>'.
'Feeds updated successfully</message>';
catch (Exception $e) {}
if (empty($msg)) {
$msg = '<status>failed</status><message>'.
'Failed to update feeds</message>';
header('Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8');
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'."\n".
# Server js
elseif ($args == '/zcfsupd.js'
&& 3 == $s->zoneclearFeedServer_bhv_pub_upd
) {
$core->tpl->setPath($core->tpl->getPath(), dirname(__FILE__).'/default-templates');
# Server feeds description page
elseif (in_array($args, array('', '/'))
&& $s->zoneclearFeedServer_pub_active
) {
$tplset = $core->themes->moduleInfo($core->blog->settings->system->theme,'tplset');
if (!empty($tplset) && is_dir(dirname(__FILE__).'/default-templates/'.$tplset)) {
$core->tpl->setPath($core->tpl->getPath(), dirname(__FILE__).'/default-templates/'.$tplset);
} else {
$core->tpl->setPath($core->tpl->getPath(), dirname(__FILE__).'/default-templates/'.DC_DEFAULT_TPLSET);
# Unknow
else {
return null;
* @brief Mix your blog with a feeds planet - template methods.
* @since 2.6
class zcfsTemplate
public static function Feeds($a, $c)
$lastn = -1;
$p = '';
if (isset($a['lastn'])) {
$lastn = abs((integer) $a['lastn'])+0;
$p .= "\$zcfs_params['limit'] = ".$lastn.";\n";
if (isset($a['cat_id'])) {
$p .= "@\$zcfs_params['sql'] .= 'AND Z.cat_id = ".addslashes($a['cat_id'])." ';\n";
if (isset($a['no_category'])) {
$p .= "@\$zcfs_params['sql'] .= 'AND Z.cat_id IS NULL ';\n";
if (!empty($a['site_url'])) {
$p .= "\$zcfs_params['feed_url'] = '".addslashes($a['site_url'])."';\n";
if (isset($a['feed_status'])) {
$p .= "\$zcfs_params['feed_status'] = ".((integer) $a['feed_status']).";\n";
else {
$p .= "\$zcfs_params['feed_status'] = 1;\n";
if (!empty($a['feed_url'])) {
$p .= "\$zcfs_params['feed_feed'] = '".addslashes($a['feed_url'])."';\n";
if (isset($a['feed_owner'])) {
$p .= "@\$zcfs_params['sql'] .= \"AND Z.feed_owner = '".addslashes($a['author'])."' \";\n";
$sortby = 'feed_creadt';
$order = 'desc';
if (isset($a['sortby'])) {
switch ($a['sortby']) {
case 'name': $sortby = 'lowername'; break;
case 'owner' : $sortby = 'feed_owner'; break;
case 'date' : $sortby = 'feed_dt'; break;
case 'update' : $sortby = 'feed_upddt'; break;
case 'id' : $sortby = 'feed_id'; break;
if (isset($a['order'])
&& preg_match('/^(desc|asc)$/i', $a['order'])
) {
$order = $a['order'];
$p .= "\$zcfs_params['order'] = '".$sortby." ".$order."';\n";
'<?php '.$p.
'$_ctx->feeds_params = $zcfs_params;'."\n".
'$zcfs = new zoneclearFeedServer($core);'."\n".
'$_ctx->feeds = $zcfs->getFeeds($zcfs_params); unset($zcfs_params,$zcfs);'."\n".
'<?php while ($_ctx->feeds->fetch()) : ?>'.$c.'<?php endwhile; '.
'$_ctx->feeds = null; $_ctx->feeds_params = null; ?>';
public static function FeedIf($a,$c)
$if = array();
$operator = isset($a['operator']) ? self::getOperator($a['operator']) : '&&';
if (isset($a['type'])) {
$type = trim($a['type']);
$type = !empty($type) ? $type : 'feed';
$if[] = '$_ctx->feeds->feed_type == "'.addslashes($type).'"';
if (isset($a['site_url'])) {
$url = trim($a['feed_url']);
if (substr($url, 0, 1) == '!') {
$url = substr($url, 1);
$if[] = '$_ctx->feeds->feed_url != "'.addslashes($url).'"';
else {
$if[] = '$_ctx->feeds->feed_url == "'.addslashes($url).'"';
if (isset($a['feed_url'])) {
$url = trim($a['feed_feed']);
if (substr($url, 0, 1) == '!') {
$url = substr($url, 1);
$if[] = '$_ctx->feeds->feed_feed != "'.addslashes($url).'"';
else {
$if[] = '$_ctx->feeds->feed_feed == "'.addslashes($url).'"';
if (isset($a['category'])) {
$category = addslashes(trim($a['category']));
if (substr($category, 0, 1) == '!') {
$category = substr($category, 1);
$if[] = '($_ctx->feeds->cat_url != "'.$category.'")';
else {
$if[] = '($_ctx->feeds->cat_url == "'.$category.'")';
if (isset($a['first'])) {
$sign = (boolean) $a['first'] ? '=' : '!';
$if[] = '$_ctx->feeds->index() '.$sign.'= 0';
if (isset($a['odd'])) {
$sign = (boolean) $a['odd'] ? '=' : '!';
$if[] = '($_ctx->feeds->index()+1)%2 '.$sign.'= 1';
if (isset($a['has_category'])) {
$sign = (boolean) $a['has_category'] ? '' : '!';
$if[] = $sign.'$_ctx->feeds->cat_id';
if (isset($a['has_description'])) {
$sign = (boolean) $a['has_description'] ? '' : '!';
$if[] = $sign.'$_ctx->feeds->feed_desc';
return empty($if) ?
$c :
'<?php if('.implode(' '.$operator.' ',$if).') : ?>'.$c.'<?php endif; ?>';
public static function FeedIfFirst($a)
$ret = isset($a['return']) ? $a['return'] : 'first';
$ret = html::escapeHTML($ret);
'<?php if ($_ctx->feeds->index() == 0) { '.
"echo '".addslashes($ret)."'; } ?>";
public static function FeedIfOdd($a)
$ret = isset($a['return']) ? $a['return'] : 'odd';
$ret = html::escapeHTML($ret);
'<?php if (($_ctx->feeds->index()+1)%2 == 1) { '.
"echo '".addslashes($ret)."'; } ?>";
public static function FeedDesc($a)
return self::getValue($a, '$_ctx->feeds->feed_desc');
public static function FeedOwner($a)
return self::getValue($a, '$_ctx->feeds->feed_owner');
public static function FeedCategory($a)
return self::getValue($a, '$_ctx->feeds->cat_title');
public static function FeedCategoryID($a)
return self::getValue($a, '$_ctx->feeds->cat_id');
public static function FeedCategoryURL($a)
return self::getValue($a, '$core->blog->url.$core->url->getBase(\'category\').\'/\'.html::sanitizeURL($_ctx->feeds->cat_url)');
public static function FeedCategoryShortURL($a)
return self::getValue($a, '$_ctx->feeds->cat_url');
public static function FeedID($a)
return self::getValue($a, '$_ctx->feeds->feed_id');
public static function FeedLang($a)
$f = $GLOBALS['core']->tpl->getFilters($a);
return empty($a['full']) ?
'<?php echo '.sprintf($f,'$_ctx->feeds->feed_lang').'; ?>'
'<?php $langs = l10n::getISOcodes(); if (isset($langs[$_ctx->feeds->feed_lang])) { echo '.sprintf($f, '$langs[$_ctx->feeds->feed_lang]').'; } else { echo '.sprintf($f, '$_ctx->feeds->feed_lang').'; } unset($langs); ?>';
public static function FeedName($a)
return self::getValue($a, '$_ctx->feeds->feed_name');
public static function FeedSiteURL($a)
return self::getValue($a, '$_ctx->feeds->feed_url');
public static function FeedFeedURL($a)
return self::getValue($a, '$_ctx->feeds->feed_feed');
public static function FeedsHeader($a, $c)
return "<?php if (\$_ctx->feeds->isStart()) : ?>".$c."<?php endif; ?>";
public static function FeedsFooter($a, $c)
return "<?php if (\$_ctx->feeds->isEnd()) : ?>".$c."<?php endif; ?>";
public static function FeedsCount($a)
$none = 'no sources';
$one = 'one source';
$more = '%d sources';
if (isset($a['none'])) {
$none = addslashes($a['none']);
if (isset($a['one'])) {
$one = addslashes($a['one']);
if (isset($a['more'])) {
$more = addslashes($a['more']);
"<?php \$fcount = \$_ctx->feeds->count(); \n".
"if (\$fcount == 0) {\n".
" printf(__('".$none."'),\$fcount);\n".
"} elseif (\$fcount == 1) {\n".
" printf(__('".$one."'),\$fcount);\n".
"} else {\n".
" printf(__('".$more."'),\$fcount);\n".
"} unset(\$fcount); ?>";
public static function FeedsEntriesCount($a)
$none = __('no entries');
$one = __('one entry');
$more = __('%d entries');
if (isset($a['none'])) {
$none = addslashes($a['none']);
if (isset($a['one'])) {
$one = addslashes($a['one']);
if (isset($a['more'])) {
$more = addslashes($a['more']);
"<?php \$fcount = 0; \$allfeeds = \$_ctx->feeds->zc->getFeeds(); \n".
"if (!\$allfeeds->isEmpty()) { \n".
" while (\$allfeeds->fetch()) { ".
" \$fcount += (integer) \$_ctx->feeds->zc->getPostsByFeed(array('feed_id'=>\$allfeeds->feed_id),true)->f(0); ".
" } \n".
"} \n".
"if (\$fcount == 0) {\n".
" printf(__('".$none."'),\$fcount);\n".
"} elseif (\$fcount == 1) {\n".
" printf(__('".$one."'),\$fcount);\n".
"} else {\n".
" printf(__('".$more."'),\$fcount);\n".
"} unset(\$allfeeds,\$fcount); ?>";
public static function FeedEntriesCount($a)
$none = 'no entries';
$one = 'one entry';
$more = '%d entries';
if (isset($a['none'])) {
$none = addslashes($a['none']);
if (isset($a['one'])) {
$one = addslashes($a['one']);
if (isset($a['more'])) {
$more = addslashes($a['more']);
"<?php \$fcount = \$_ctx->feeds->zc->getPostsByFeed(array('feed_id'=>\$_ctx->feeds->feed_id),true)->f(0); \n".
"if (\$fcount == 0) {\n".
" printf(__('".$none."'),\$fcount);\n".
"} elseif (\$fcount == 1) {\n".
" printf(__('".$one."'),\$fcount);\n".
"} else {\n".
" printf(__('".$more."'),\$fcount);\n".
"} unset(\$fcount); ?>";
protected static function getValue($a,$v)
return '<?php echo '.sprintf($GLOBALS['core']->tpl->getFilters($a), $v).'; ?>';
protected static function getOperator($op)
switch (strtolower($op))
case 'or':
case '||':
return '||';
case 'and':
case '&&':
return '&&';
class extZcfeeds
public static function publicBreadcrumb($context,$separator)
if ($context == 'zoneclearFeedsPage') {
return __('List of feeds');